Change logs for tgt source package in Zesty

  • tgt (1:1.0.69-1ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * Merge from Debian. Remaining changes:
       - Drop glusterfs support, package not in main.
         - debian/control
         - debian/rules
         - debian/tests/{control, storage}
         - debian/tgt-glusterfs.install (Deleted)
       - fix tgt being killed when serving many targets
       - d/t/localtgt, d/t/control: add dep8 test that sets up targets and luns via
         iscsi using rdwr/aio backends and runs fio read/write/verify
     -- Christian Ehrhardt <email address hidden>  Wed, 25 Jan 2017 11:25:55 +0100
  • tgt (1:1.0.67-1ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * Merge from Debian. Remaining changes:
       - Drop glusterfs support, package not in main.
         - debian/control
         - debian/rules
         - debian/tests/{control, storage}
         - debian/tgt-glusterfs.install (Deleted)
      * Drop changes:
       - debian/patches/util_strtoull_errno.patch by Stas Sergeev (now upstream)
       - Disable AIO backend support. This was done to reduce risk in a previous
         feature freeze; Now that we are before Zesty's feature freeze, we
         can introduce it this cycle.
       - changing file modes of debian/tests/{admin, daemon} (missing in
         changelog, not needed)
      * Add changes:
       - fix tgt being killed when serving many targets (LP: #1559088)
       - d/t/localtgt, d/t/control: add dep8 test that sets up targets and luns via
         iscsi using rdwr/aio backends and runs fio read/write/verify (LP: #1640785)
     -- Christian Ehrhardt <email address hidden>  Thu, 10 Nov 2016 10:35:15 +0100
  • tgt (1:1.0.63-1ubuntu2) yakkety; urgency=medium
      * debian/patches/util_strtoull_errno.patch by Stas Sergeev
        - Fix errno handling for number * parsing (LP: #1547060)
     -- Ryan Harper <email address hidden>  Thu, 21 Apr 2016 09:13:09 -0500