Change logs for timblserver source package in Zesty

  • timblserver (1.11-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ Maarten van Gompel ]
      * new upstream;  missed 1.9, 1.10
      * debian/watch: updated to point to github (make dist tarballs)
      * debian/copyright: upstream source link + bumped dates
      * debian/control: updated dependency versions
      * debian/control: added myself as uploader
      * debian/control: updated standards version
      * debian/control: updated Homepage
      [ Joost van Baal-Ilić ]
      * Acknowledge NMU 1.8-1-1; thanks Andreas Beckmann and Breno Leitao.
      * debian/control: use https in Vcs URLs.
     -- Joost van Baal-Ilić <email address hidden>  Sat, 06 Aug 2016 16:15:27 +0200