Ubuntu One Control Panel 0.8.0

Milestone information

Ubuntu One Control Panel
Natalia Bidart
Release registered:
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download icon ubuntuone-control-panel-0.8.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) release tarball 12
last downloaded 52 weeks ago
Total downloads: 12

Release notes 

[release] v0.8.0


View the full changelog

[ Natalia B. Bidart <email address hidden> ]

  - Strings tweaking in the UI (Files service is consistently named 'File Sync'

  - Added support links as images in the account tab.

  - Services tab button was hid due to faulty desktopcouch (will be restored

  - When removing a device, a confirmation dialog is raised (LP: #706888).

  - Misc visual improvemnts (LP: #692772):

      * devices are now expading horizontally and each odd row has a different
      * account tab was re-arranged and upgrade and support buttons were
      * quota information in the progress bar is filled with at least 5% if the
      usages is less than that (but higher than 0).

  - No more token info logged (LP: #706906).

  - Complete redesign of Folders tab, now internally called Volumes since it
    will cover Shares in a future (LP: #705989).

  - Added a command line option to start the UI on a given panel
    (LP: #702968).

  - Backend provides a richer list of volumes, including the root info
    (LP: #705444).

  - URI hook for link buttons opens the browser when a real URL is passed
    (LP: #704895).

  - Added a button to file sync status to manage the files service
    (LP: #693373).

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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