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1111 of 21 releases

0.25 release from the 0.25 series released

Release information

* new ChangeLog files for upstream tarballs. See ChangeLog.pre-0.25 for
   previous changes, including Ubuntu-specific changes
* setup.py: don't install initscript anymore
* add example (non-LSB) initscript to doc/initscript.example
* split out initscript into ufw-init-functions, ufw-init (for use by
   ufw itself) and doc/initscript.example (for use by distributions). This
   makes ufw more robust and portable
* don't stop the firewall via the initscripts if ufw is not enabled
   (LP: #311066)
* rename skel-ui to skel-ui.example
   - add Distributions section
   - update for initscript changes
   - update What's in a Name

File Description Downloads
download icon ufw-0.25.tar.gz (md5, sig) 0.25 release tarball 141
last downloaded 14 weeks ago
Total downloads: 141

1111 of 21 releases