UPR 9.04r1 released

Written for Ubuntu Privacy Remix by Andreas Heinlein on 2009-06-29

Download at: https://www.privacy-cd.org/en/using-upr/download

Ubuntu Privacy Remix 9.04 'jailed jackalope' is based on Ubuntu 9.04, for changes see the Ubuntu website. Most notable changes are, among others, much better hardware support especially for screens and graphics cards, OpenOffice.org 3.0 and the new notify-osd.

Uses kernel with the same modifications as before; i.e. no network support and no support of local hard disks.

Changes in package / software selection:
* Added Figaros Password Manager 2
* Added Templates and documentation for scribus
* More PPDs for better printing support
* OpenJDK instead of GIJ as Java Runtime
* Added GParted for formatting and checking media
* Beagle replaces Tracker
* Compiz was removed, desktop effects were disabled due to compatibility reasons
* Added hamster-applet (Time tracking)
* Recompiled Truecrypt from source
* Documentation in PDF format is now on the CD itself (under help menu)

New security features of UPR:
The rights of the live session user were restricted, now only commands necessary for the scripts can be executed with admin rights (using sudo). Loading of malicious code, especially drivers/kernel modules, is now a lot more difficult.

Other new features of UPR:
* Truecrypt containers can be opened by double-clicking
* The "wipe free space" script now contains an option for multiple passes, which is recommended for floppies
* The indexing service tracker was replaced by beagle, because tracker cannot index RTF files.
* The CD can be copied entirely to RAM (in the boot menu press F4 -> "Copy to RAM"). This does not work on every machine and requires at least 1.5 GB RAM

New look:
* The icon set has been modified so that USB removable drives can be distinguished from truecrypt volumes.
* The scripts use the new notify osd
* The seahorse GUI has been split into two parts starting with Ubuntu 8.10. The seconed part is now under System->Settings->Encryption and Keyrings
* Truecrypt, seahorse and the password manager can now be found in the applications menu -> Security.

Fixed problems:
* The gnome panel no longer needs to be quit when closing extended truecrypt volumes, making it possible to enable the truecrypt background task again.
* seahorse can now verify signatures
* other minor bug fixes

Known problems:
* The driver for intel graphic chips contained in Ubuntu 9.04 is running in a slower but more compatible mode.
* The PDF viewer evince resp. the underlying libpoppler still has problems with multi-column selections

Hints for previous users:
* Settings of OpenOffice.org 2.x in extended truecrypt volumes are not migrated, instead a new profile for OpenOffice.org 3 is created. This is because of known problems when migrating old user profiles.
* Existing tracker indices in extended truecrypt volumes are preserved, but cannot be used with UPR 9.04. Beagle needs to be set up again for indexing, it is not possible to take over the tracker configuration.

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