UPR 10.04r1 released

Written for Ubuntu Privacy Remix by Andreas Heinlein on 2010-10-14

After a long period of work and testing, the UPR team has released the final version of Ubuntu Privacy Remix 10.04 (Codename Locked Lynx). And yes, we know Ubuntu 10.10 has just been released. But we believe stability is more important for UPR, so we are focusing on LTS releases whenever possible.

What is new in UPR 10.04?
Ubuntu Privacy Remix 10.04 is based on Ubuntu 10.04 "Lucid Lynx" and supports more and newer hardware. Still, system requirements remain the same. The UPR kernel has been rebuilt based on the Ubuntu kernel UPR 10.04 shows the same improvements to boot times as Ubuntu 10.04

With UPR 10.04, it is no longer possible to burn the ISO to a CD due to its size, sorry! The standard UPR 10.04 now includes english, german, spanish, french and italian language.

We have extended and improved the following features:

    * TrueCrypt has been updated to version 6.3a. Version 7.0 obviously has introduced changes to the container format, at least containers created with it cannot be opened with an earlier version. Unfortunately, we found no documentation about these changes, so we will use 6.3a until we have done a full review of Truecrypt 7 on our own.
    * We have written our own frontend to GnuPG, which replaces seahorse. With it, you can use GPG features like key groups or restoring original filenames. Use it like the seahorse plugins from the context menu (Encrypt, Sign). Settings can be made from "Applications - Security - GnuPG Settings". It is also possible to show all recipient keys of an encrypted file. This frontend is optimized for dealing with large keyrings (>300 keys), key lists can be searched and filtered. For password caching, the "normal" gpg-agent is used, which has fewer bugs than seahorse. For key management, seahorse is still used.
    * The scripts for extended TrueCrypt volumes have been improved. The backup feature during close now can backup other open containers as well. Printer configuration is now saved.
    * New applications: VYM Mindmapper, GIMP, xterm (for enabling TrueCrypts "repair filesystem" feature)
    * Simple creation and use of LUKS-encrypted volumes

What is Ubuntu Privacy Remix?
The goal of Ubuntu Privacy Remix is to provide an isolated working environment where sensitive data can be dealt with safely. The system installed on the computer running UPR remains untouched, UPR is not intended for permanent installation on hard disk. Instead of that the sealed-off Ubuntu Privacy Remix system runs from a modified Live-CD based on Ubuntu Linux. All user data reside exclusively on encrypted removable media.
Ubuntu Privacy Remix is a tool to protect your data against unsolicited access. The risk of theft of such private data arises not only from "conventional" criminals, trojans. rootkits, keyloggers etc. In many countries, measures are taken by the state aiming at spying and monitoring its citizens.
Learn more about it at https://privacy-cd.org

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