Comment 6 for bug 1163172

Revision history for this message
Juan Simón (simonbcn) wrote :

Log when I start from terminal (not at Ubuntu startup):

INFO:variety: process_command() 'Received command: ['-v']'
INFO:variety: load_banned() 'Missing or invalid banned URLs list, no URLs will be banned'
INFO:variety: perform_upgrade_after_loading_options() 'Last run version was 0.4.13 or earlier, current version is 0.4.13'
INFO:variety: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 6, location Random wallpapers from'
INFO:variety: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 8, location NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day'
INFO:variety: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 5, location'
INFO:variety: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 7, location;user_id:93647178@N00;'
INFO:variety: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 9, location type:text;query:autumn;order:random;nsfw:100;board:2'
INFO:variety: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 11, location World Sunlight Map - live wallpaper from'
INFO:variety: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 9, location type:all;order:favs;favs_count:100;nsfw:100;board:2'
INFO:variety: reload_config() 'Creating new downloader for type 5, location'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'Loaded options:'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'change_enabled = True'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'change_interval = 300'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'change_on_start = True'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'clipboard_enabled = False'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'clipboard_hosts = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'clipboard_use_whitelist = True'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'clock_date_font = Ubuntu Condensed, 30'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'clock_enabled = False'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'clock_filter = -density 100 -font `fc-match -f '%{file[0]}' '%CLOCK_FONT_NAME'` -pointsize %CLOCK_FONT_SIZE -gravity SouthEast -fill '#00000044' -annotate 0x0+[%HOFFSET+58]+[%VOFFSET+108] '%H:%M' -fill white -annotate 0x0+[%HOFFSET+60]+[%VOFFSET+110] '%H:%M' -font `fc-match -f '%{file[0]}' '%DATE_FONT_NAME'` -pointsize %DATE_FONT_SIZE -fill '#00000044' -annotate 0x0+[%HOFFSET+58]+[%VOFFSET+58] '%A, %B %d' -fill white -annotate 0x0+[%HOFFSET+60]+[%VOFFSET+60] '%A, %B %d''
INFO:variety: log_options() 'clock_font = Ubuntu Condensed, 70'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'configfile = /home/simon/.config/variety/variety.conf'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'desired_color = [160, 160, 160]'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'desired_color_enabled = False'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'download_enabled = False'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'download_folder = /home/simon/.config/variety/Downloaded'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'download_interval = 600'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'facebook_enabled = False'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'facebook_message = '
INFO:variety: log_options() 'facebook_show_dialog = True'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'favorites_folder = /home/simon/Imágenes/Fondos'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'favorites_operations = [['Downloaded', 'Copy'], ['Fetched', 'Move'], ['Others', 'Copy']]'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'fetched_folder = /home/simon/Imágenes/Fondos'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'filters = [[False, 'Keep original', ''], [False, 'Grayscale', '-type Grayscale'], [False, 'Heavy blur', '-blur 120x40'], [False, 'Oil painting', '-paint 6'], [False, 'Charcoal painting', '-charcoal 3'], [False, 'Pencil sketch', '-colorspace gray \\( +clone -tile ~/.config/variety/pencil_tile.gif -draw "color 0,0 reset" +clone +swap -compose color_dodge -composite \\) -fx \'u*.2+v*.8\''], [False, 'Pointilism', '-spread 10 -noise 3'], [False, 'Pixellate', '-scale 3% -scale 3333%']]'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'icon = Light'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'lightness_enabled = False'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'lightness_mode = 0'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'min_rating = 4'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'min_rating_enabled = False'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'min_size = 50'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'min_size_enabled = True'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'quota_enabled = False'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'quota_size = 500'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'quotes_authors = '
INFO:variety: log_options() 'quotes_bg_color = [80, 80, 80]'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'quotes_bg_opacity = 55'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'quotes_change_enabled = False'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'quotes_change_interval = 300'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'quotes_enabled = False'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'quotes_font = Bitstream Charter 30'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'quotes_hpos = 100'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'quotes_tags = '
INFO:variety: log_options() 'quotes_text_color = [255, 255, 255]'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'quotes_text_shadow = False'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'quotes_vpos = 40'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'quotes_width = 70'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'show_rating_enabled = False'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'sources = [[False, 3, 'The Favorites folder'], [False, 4, 'The Fetched folder'], [True, 2, '/usr/share/backgrounds/'], [True, 6, 'Random wallpapers from'], [True, 8, "NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day"], [True, 5, ''], [True, 7, ';user_id:93647178@N00;'], [True, 9, 'type:text;query:autumn;order:random;nsfw:100;board:2'], [True, 11, 'World Sunlight Map - live wallpaper from'], [True, 2, '/home/simon/Im\xc3\xa1genes/Fondos pantalla tios'], [True, 2, '/home/simon/Im\xc3\xa1genes/Fondos'], [True, 9, 'type:all;order:favs;favs_count:100;nsfw:100;board:2'], [True, 5, '']]'
INFO:variety: log_options() 'use_landscape_enabled = False'
INFO:variety: reload_config() 'No need to clear prepared queue'
INFO:variety: load_last_change_time() 'Change interval < 6 hours, ignore persisted last_change_time, wait initially the whole interval: 300'
INFO:variety: update_indicator() 'Setting file info to: /home/simon/Imágenes/Fondos pantalla tios/Darian-Alvarez-Miami-Fitness-Model-Burbujas-De-Deseo-08.jpg'
INFO:variety: regular_change_thread() 'regular_change thread running'
INFO:variety: update_indicator_icon() 'Creating indicator'
INFO:variety: set_icon() 'Showing indicator icon image: /opt/'
INFO:variety: update_indicator() 'Setting file info to: /home/simon/Imágenes/Fondos pantalla tios/Darian-Alvarez-Miami-Fitness-Model-Burbujas-De-Deseo-08.jpg'
INFO:variety: update_indicator() 'Setting file info to: /home/simon/Imágenes/Fondos pantalla tios/Darian-Alvarez-Miami-Fitness-Model-Burbujas-De-Deseo-08.jpg'
INFO:variety: reload() 'Reloading preferences dialog'
INFO:variety: update_status_message() 'Showing status message: '
INFO:variety: change_wallpaper() 'No images yet in prepared buffer, using some random image'
INFO:variety: list_files() 'More than 10000 files in the folders, stop listing'
INFO:variety: select_random_images() 'Refreshed image count: 10000'
INFO:variety: update_indicator() 'Setting file info to: /home/simon/Imágenes/Fondos pantalla tios/4ffdee6db0400.jpg'
INFO:variety: prepare_thread() 'Prepare thread running'
INFO:variety: prepare_thread() 'Prepared buffer contains 0 images'
INFO:variety: prepare_thread() 'Preparing some images'
INFO:variety: server_options_thread() 'Fetching server options from'
INFO:variety: prepare_thread() 'After search prepared buffer contains 51 images'
INFO:variety: prepare_thread() 'Prepared buffer contains 51 images'
INFO:variety: server_options_thread() 'Fetched server options: {u'status_message': {u'unexisting': u"<small>Variety has a new version, 0.4.13. <a href=''>Read more here.</a></small>", u'*': u''}, u'': {u'min_fill_queue_interval': 600, u'min_download_interval': 0}, u'flickr': {u'min_fill_queue_interval': 600, u'min_download_interval': 0}, u'wallbase': {u'min_fill_queue_interval': 600, u'min_download_interval': 0}}'
INFO:variety: update_status_message() 'Showing status message: '