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2.3 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Major new features:
- Support for extracting data from Warcraft 2 BNE disc.
- Aleona's Tales and Wargus have been merged (now it's not nessesary to have Warcraft 2 CD to play Wargus)
- Original MIDI playback using FluidSynth library.
- Custom game types.
- In-game mod support.
- Custom campaigns.
- A lot of AI improvements, as well as some new AI types.
- New Game mode - For the Motherland from Aleona's Tales.
- Many UI improvements : reworked button popups, new Guichan widgets, and much more.
- New Skirmish Modern game setup screen from Doom Wars.
- Support for extracting data from Warcraft 2 Russian SPK disc (both original and expansion)
- Russian language support.
- All WC2 campaigns now have unique AI scripts (similar to original ones)
- 5 difficulty levels for campaigns (affect AI ...


* Game
   - Merge Wargus with Aleona's Tales (if you don't have WC2 data, wargus will install AT data)
   - Support for custom game types.
   - Skirmish Modern setup screen from Doom Wars (custom colors, races, teams, AI scripts for each player)
   - Custom campaign support
   - Mod support
   - All WC2 campaigns now have unique AI scripts (similar to original ones)
   - 5 difficulty levels for campaigns (affect AI aggressiveness)
   - Added Russian translation (based on SPK translation)
   - Support for MIDI playback using FluidSynth library (and so support for custom SF2 soundfonts)
   - Imported some changes from Andrettin's WIP project
   - Result screen similar to original WC2
   - New FtM 2014 game mode (with tutorial campaigns)
   - Many improvements to the user interface: button popups, network setup, UI elements, preferences menu and a lot more.
   - ColorCycle by Tileset (patch from DinkyDyeAussie)
   - Added Frontier Force Mission 5
   - Added Tales Campaign Mission 7
   - Added town hall, lumber mill, refinery resource info on panel
   - Added icon shifting on click
   - Increased maximum game speed to 90
   - Added autocast and ai-cast information to spells (now Death Knights are able to cast Death Coil)
   - Mine low resources notifications
  * Wartool
   - Support extraction from WC2 BNE disc
   - Support extraction from Russian SPK discs (both original and expansion)
  * Bugfixes
   - Fix catapult property to allow transporter to transport catapult. - bug #1155799
   - Fix playerCount calculation in multiplayer. - bug #225514
   - Add equivalence for some missing units (farm and goblin sapper) - bug #1197963
   - Fixed Unholy Armor spell: how it works like in original WC2, also added autocast info - bug #1171017
   - Fixed incorrect critter names - bug #1196860
   - Fixed cheats - bug #1162392
   - Fixed Cho'gall spells - bug #1022645
   - Fixed bug with Fog of War disabling - bug #902658
   - Fix speed of dragon with Haste Patch from vota (rocadeier)
   - Correct handling of infopanel.png

File Description Downloads
download icon Wargus-2.3.exe (md5, sig) Windows 32 bit version 32,602
last downloaded 6 days ago
download icon wargus_2.3.0.orig.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source code and Aleona's Tales game data 20,281
last downloaded 6 days ago
Total downloads: 52,883

2.2.7 release from the trunk series released

Release information

  * Fixed bugs
   - Link wargus executable directly with X11 library - bug #908789
   - Fixed Debian installation - bug #909017
   - Show enemy unit levels - bug #817753
   - Fix typo by replacing 'stronghol' by 'stronghold' - bug #992273
   - Added slider for configuring mouse scroll speed to options menu - bug #817089
   - Do not overwrite CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS, make install paths configurable - bug #1005271
   - Wartool - do not crash if Warcraft WAR archives are corrupted or incomplete - bug #998584
   - Generating User Preferences file - bug #1015938
   - Fixed compilation on more platforms
   - Fixed other problems

File Description Downloads
download icon Wargus-2.2.7.exe (md5, sig) Windows 32 bit version 10,836
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
download icon Wargus-2.2.7-x86_64.exe (md5, sig) Windows 64 bit version 9,964
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
download icon wargus_2.2.7.orig.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source 4,029
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
Total downloads: 24,829

2.2.6 release from the trunk series released

Release information

  * Game
   - Show error box if saving game/map failed
   - Added support for starting game with specified map from command line
   - Animate Gold Mine when workers mining
   - Handle errors when saving game failed
   - Fixed showing tips on startup
   - Fixed spells and upgrades
   - Reverted back Color Cycling support
   - Fixed DefinePlayerTypes - bug #736460
  * Wartool
   - Fixed all memory leaks and memory erros
   - Added support for converting videos to ogv format (using ffmpeg2theora)
   - Added support for converting music files to ogg format (using timidity and ffmpeg2theora)
   - Added support for ripping sound tracks from Audio CD (using cdda2wav or cdparanoia)
  * Makefile
   - Rewritted to CMake
  * Wargus
   - Rewritted to use Stratagus Game Launcher
  * Maemo Warextract
   - Rewritted to use Stratagus Maemo Extractor
  * Debian
   - Rewritted control files to debhelper 7
   - Fixed debconf for dpkg-reconfigure
   - Fixed lintian errors and warnings
  * Unix
   - Script was removed, all functionality moved into wartool
  * Windows NSIS Installer
   - Removed all converting processes code (moved into wartool)

File Description Downloads
download icon Wargus-2.2.6.exe (md5, sig) Windows 32 bit version 3,303
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
download icon Wargus-2.2.6-x86_64.exe (md5, sig) Windows 64 bit version 2,253
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
download icon wargus_2.2.6.orig.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source 1,528
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
Total downloads: 7,084 release from the trunk series released

Release information

 - Game
   - Fixed loosing wood, when peasant or peon has not full wood limit
   - Fixed multiplayer network menu
   - Fixed menus for Map Editor (start editor with param -e)
   - Added support for selecting race in multiplayer game
   - Moved definitions of sound game from stratagus binary to wargus scripts
 - Pudconvert
   - Ignore unknow units when converting maps - bug #672845
 - Makefile
   - Added strip, pack and installer section
   - Use $^ instead source files in Makefile
 - Unix
   - Fixed using wildmidi
 - Debian
   - Fixed debian scripts
   - Rewrited debian/rules to use debhelper 6
 - Maemo
   - Fixed running warextract after install
   - Fixed install path for manpages
 - Windows
   - Fixed compilation on MSVC
   - Fixed console output
   - Fixed searching for Wargus in 64 bit Windows registry
 - Windows NSIS Installer
   - Fixed removing all installed lua scripts files at uninstall
   - Updated timidity binary

File Description Downloads
download icon Wargus- (md5, sig) Windows 32 bit version 4,675
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
download icon Wargus- (md5, sig) Windows 64 bit version 2,570
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
download icon wargus_2.2.5.5.orig.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source 2,399
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
Total downloads: 9,644 release from the trunk series released

Release information

 - Game
   - Fixed color of orc menu button (F10) - bug #616486
   - Fixed correct cursors for races
 - Campaigns
   - Fixed orc campaign level 2
   - Fixed background music in Briefing and PictureStep
 - Debian
   - Fixed debian scrips
 - Maemo
   - Fixed crashing when starting from menu
 - Windows NSIS Installer
   - Check for correct version of Stratagus

File Description Downloads
download icon Wargus- (md5, sig) Windows 32 bit version 789
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
download icon Wargus- (md5, sig) Windows 64 bit version 320
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
download icon wargus_2.2.5.4.orig.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source 352
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,461 release from the trunk series released

Release information

 - Game
   - Fixed UI theme in main menu and other menus
   - Fixed ballista shooting
   - Fixed loading saved game from playing camapign game
   - Added different music playlist for orc (only orc themes) and for human (only human themes)
   - Added Briefing, Victory and Defeat music
   - Added save game confirmation menu
 - Wartool
   - Extract midi version of audio CD tracks from WAR archives
 - Wargus
   - Added support to run Wargus on Linux in console framebuffer mode
 - Unix
   - Fixed paths
   - Added support for wildmidi (alternative to timidity)
 - Debian
   - Fixed build depends
   - Fixed debian scripts
 - Maemo
   - Fixed info for Hildon Application Manager
   - Fixed debian scripts
   - Use Backspace key for enter game menu
 - Windows NSIS Installer
   - Added support for converting audio midi files (using timidity and freepats)
   - Do not extract data again after reinstalling
   - Use MUI2 instead MUI
 - Documentation
   - Rewrited README

File Description Downloads
download icon Wargus- (md5, sig) Windows 32 bit verison 720
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
download icon Wargus- (md5, sig) Windows 64 bit version 338
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
download icon wargus_2.2.5.3.orig.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source 233
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,291 release from the trunk series released

Release information

 - Game
   - Fixed name of default map
   - Fixed WM title and icon
   - Added option for maximum OpenGL textures
   - Added version info to menu
   - Added multiplatform program wargus for searching stratagus and correct start-up
   - Rip hidden track I'm Medieval Man and add cheat disco to run this track
 - Campaigns
   - Fixed campaign triggers after loading saved game
   - Fixed paths of files in campaigns
   - Fixed speed of scrolling text in briefing
   - Added ending victory video to campaign menu
   - Added missing ending vicotry text screen at end of campaigns
   - Show next campaign level in campaign menu after completed saved game
   - Show only finished levels in campaign submenu
   - Play video files in correct order
 - Wartool
   - Fixed converting PUD maps on Unix
   - Fixed extracting videos with correct names
   - Extract ending victory campaigns texts
   - Write campaigns title and objectives directly to files without templates
 - Makefile
   - Created new Makefile, which support win32 builds and wargus starter
 - Debian
   - Fixed debian scripts
   - Rewrited config scripts for better extract game data
 - Maemo
   - Fixed debian scripts for Maemo sections
   - Fixed using findutils
   - Added program warextract for extracting data on Maemo
   - Enable using ffmpeg2theora
 - Windows
   - Fixed espace paths
   - Added missing Windows resource file for Wargus icon
 - Windows NSIS Installer
   - Fully rewrited and created new installer
   - Fixed adding campaigns maps and scripts files
   - Fixed including data files
   - Added support for checking if Stratagus is installed
   - Added support for 64 bit version
   - Added missing \r\n for string compare if data was extracted
   - Added support for extracting data
   - Added support for converting video files (using ffmpeg2theora)
   - Added support for ripping audio tracks (using cdda2wav)
   - Added desktop icon
   - Include default music file
   - Download ffmpeg2theora and cdrtools when creating installer
   - Use plugin DosExec instead function ExecWait

File Description Downloads
download icon wargus_2.2.5.2.orig.tar.gz (md5) Source 340
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
download icon Wargus- (md5) Windows 64 bit version 298
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
download icon Wargus- (md5) Windows 32 bit version 520
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,158