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2.1 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is mainly a bug fixing version. Thanks to everyone who helped testing the 2.0 beta!


- Fixed problem with images uploaded from mobile version not showing on the images view.
- Fixed "like" icon position.
- Fixed other map icon issues.
- Fixed problems with supposed-to-be relative URLs being absolute.
- Installation guide updated, now including the preparation for connection with the mobile app!

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) Compressed package containing installation files 256
last downloaded 49 weeks ago
Total downloads: 256

2.0 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Change of plattform

Version 2.0 of Whatif(w) has been rewritten from scratch to work as a theme for WordPress, the popular, open source Content Management System that is usually used to build advanced blogs and dynamic websites of any kind.
this strategic move aims at making the installation process easier (just like any other WordPress theme), increasing the possibilities of customization and allowing its modular development through the future addition of plugins.

Changes on design and interface behaviour

The input of data during the publishing process of an entry on the website is now much more agile, allowing the user to move back and forth quickly, with an intuitive sliding visual effect, in order to modify or correct any data before publishing.

In the visualization mode, entrie...


- Plattform changed to WordPress
- Various changes in the design and behavior of the interface
- Tags now link to the corresponding tag view/page
- Redesigned keyword clouds, now based on tags
- Added “like”, Facebook and Twitter buttons
- Changes in icons to make them more informative (number of entries per category, selected category gets highlighted, etc.)
- All entries are now linked to their corresponding items on the map view
- Added user registration
- Customizable user profile, with option to see the user’s own entries, edit them, etc.

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) Theme folder, readme and required configuration files 63
last downloaded 49 weeks ago
Total downloads: 63