More delays for 0.39.4

Written for Whyteboard by Steven Sproat on 2010-01-30

Still in active development, version 0.39.4 *should* be out at the beginning of February. A few bugs have crept in, but will get fixed in time.
A new tool has been added: Highlighter, which behaves as a transparent, thick pen.

This next release has a lengthy change log, with many new features and bug fixes. After this release, Whyteboard will be put into a "feature freeze" period, in order to refactor and improve the code in terms of:

a) decoupled code
b) more readable/maintainable code
c) better unit tests
d) more test code coverage
e) possibly performance, who knows - the gains may be insignificant, and hinder code readability

Item a) facilitates item b) which facilitates item c) and d).

This will help the project in the long run, and the more time spent ignoring the bad code instead of fixing it will only lead to future problems. Best to solve it early.

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