widelands 1.1

The next stable release of Widelands after version 1.0.

Milestone information

Benedikt Straub
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Release notes 

** All downloads may be found at: https://github.com/widelands/widelands/releases/tag/v1.1 **

The Widelands Development Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of the stable release Widelands 1.1. Widelands is a free, cross-platform economy strategy game in which players control the fate of a small tribe that can grow into a big empire, in a style of play that is unique in the open source world. Please visit our homepage at https://www.widelands.org/ to learn more.

Since the release of version 1.0, we implemented several hundreds of new features and bugfixes; for example, to name just a few of the highlights:

- **Three new scenarios**: One each for the Atlantean and Frisian campaigns, and a new standalone singleplayer mission
- An **add-ons webserver** allows efficient down- and uploading of add-ons as well as interactions such as voting and commenting on add-ons
- **High-resolution images** for many units
- **Multithreading** provides smoother performance
- Multiple enhancements to the in-game **encyclopedia**
- **Diplomacy**: Manage your alliances during the game
- **Fastplace**: Assign custom shortcuts to buildings to place them with one keystroke
- In-game loading and restarting of games and scenarios
- Save and load in-game windows
- Editor tool history dialog
- Various AI enhancements

Widelands 1.1 is translated completely into Catalan, German, Hungarian, and Low German, and the translations for 10 other languages are more than ⅔ complete.

Widelands is distributed for Windows (64-bit and 32-bit), Mac OS X >= 11.0 (Intel 64-bit and M1 Arm), Linux (AppImage, 64 bit), and in source code. For Linux users, we also provide a Flatpak package and a Ubuntu PPA and try to make compiling as easy as possible, and most distributions will pick up Widelands 1.1 into their repositories very quickly. Both binary and source packages are available under https://www.widelands.org/wiki/Download .

If you like what you see, please visit our homepage, https://www.widelands.org. You may also want to check the forums and our IRC channel, `#widelands` on LiberaChat, to arrange multiplayer games with other players.

We especially welcome every helping hand: Help us find bugs, translate the game, add new scenarios or features! If you want to get even more involved in the further development of Widelands, you can meet us on the forum at https://www.widelands.org/ or subscribe to widelands-public@lists.sf.net on http://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/listinfo/widelands-public. Releases are also announced to widelands-announce@lists.sf.net (https://sourceforge.net/projects/widelands/lists/widelands-announce).


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