Wizz RSS - Ubuntu 12.07.11

Milestone information

Wizz RSS - Ubuntu
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
No bugs are targeted to this milestone.

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File Description Downloads
download icon wizzrss_12.07.11_all.deb (md5, sig) Installation package 258
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
download icon wizzrss_12.07.11.tar.gz (md5, sig) 12.07.11 tarball 86
last downloaded 49 weeks ago
Total downloads: 344

Release notes 

1. Dumped HTMLParser and hooked into BeautifulSoup for parsing HTML.
2. Fixed bug where closing the confirmation dialog would assume that the Yes button had been clicked.
3. Fixed bug where dropping a feed link onto the empty part of the item list wasn't firing a quick read.
4. Finally got all of the drag and drop stuff on the feed tree to work correctly.
5. Fixed bug where stored feed items were getting mixed up when feeds and folders were repositioned in the feed tree.
6. Deleting a feed will now delete all associated feed items from the database.
7. Deleting a folder will now delete all associated feed items, for feeds that were in the folder, from the database.
8. Added Find feeds functionality.
9. Finally got cookies working for the webkit/browser functionality! Wooooohooooo!
10. Added a pref that allows simultaneous marking of items and enclosures as read/unread.
11. Added a pref that allows the numbers of days to retain history and feed items, to be set. Default = 7 days.
12. Show read items and hide read items buttons were changed to toogle buttons, to make it clear which is currently active.


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New release available: 12.07.11

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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