Wizz RSS - Ubuntu 12.07.9

Milestone information

Wizz RSS - Ubuntu
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File Description Downloads
download icon wizzrss_12.07.9.tar.gz (md5) 12.07.9 tarball 14
last downloaded 49 weeks ago
Total downloads: 14

Release notes 

1. Unhooked the feedparser by Mark Pilgrim and hooked into python-feedparser (I suspect that they might actually be the same thing). Requested by John Vrbanac.
2. Set default buttons for all of the various dialogs.
3. Will now parse the URL entered on a browser tab, looking for the protocol. If no protocol has been supplied, http:// will be prepended.
4. Added a Help button to the toolbar on the Wizz RSS tab. The button will open the same help that is opened by Help > Contents on the menu bar.
5. Added a Preferences button to the toolbar on the Wizz RSS tab. The button will open the same preferences dialog that is opened by Edit > Preferences on the menu bar.
6. Added Weather and Find Feeds buttons to the toolbar on the Wizz RSS tab. Functionality will be hooked into these buttons in a later release.


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New release available: 12.07.9

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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