Woda merge-with-pro

Complete merge with Ziga's pro version, including directories layout, export scripts and language versions.
Find and fix the extractapi bug.
Fix the security bug.
Fix pending bugs, find pending typos.
Test if provided samples databases are working again.
Complete comments on functions.
Update the website, everything should be on a wiki.
Document new functions, from the pro version..

Milestone information

Xavier Brochard
Release registered:
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1 Malcolm Fitzgerald, 7 Xavier Brochard
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
1 Confirmed, 7 Fix Committed, 2 Fix Released

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Release notes 

- Major new feature is the ability to create and modify databases on the fly, through the web interfaces. For this feature, it automaticaly use a new file format for creating databases, called data dictionary (datadict) and using files named dd.txt. Big thanks to Žiga Turk who gently given the code from rent-a-db.com.
- Preliminary documentation available in package.
- HTMLArea javascript use the last version available (less bugs, more features...). This should be the last version with HTMLArea, as it is too old.
- Woda is more and more Perl 5.10 and Html4 compliant.
- Thanks to Malcolm and Claudio, new CSS and new icons are provided.
- Woda use a new split tool, there should be no error when using the splitted version, but...
- Packaging change in the hope it will be easier for end users to manually install Woda (install script updated).
- As allways it fix various bugs and tend to improve user experience.


View the full changelog

- Rewrote TRANS and SPLIT tools
- NEW Hide "Modify structure" menu if database is a cgi.
- Remove last (forgot) do in woda-max.pl and demo files
- Change printHead to printFrameHead in cgiAdmModifyFieldsForm & change Target from _parent to _self in printFrameHead
- FIX typo in forum cgi script (WBB instead of WBF)
- remove HTMLArea annoying popups
- guess the test/filename in all AdmModify* (move the filename code in admChangeDefinitionButton)
- remove unused lines with unused variables
- remove last $* call, and add multiline in htQuotes (should not be needed in evalTrouble)
- update path in install script
- let demos script skip "test" directory (malcolm)
- FIX some typos, add some comments
- FIX grave bug in AdmModifyStyle by using admChangeDefinitionButton() (AdmModifyStyle were transforming cgi files in dd.txt making them unusable)
- FIX url of dd.txt (add missing slash)
- FIX wrong "Predefined main menu layouts" link (removed it).
- better install script: Perl 5.10 compliant, get right version name, install more things, create test directory, update all paths, output more messages, ...
- NEW cgi files created in test directory are executable
- NEW install will setup db/use.cgi and db/dir.cgi to allow dd.txt database
- FIX default path in install script and sample databases
- FIX HTMLArea loading
- FIX load of CSS, icons and databases templates
- changes in woda.conf: log not printed by default, setup of $DATADIRDIR and $USEURL, hardcode $ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}, add $TESTCGIDIR, etc.
- FIX a bug with load of templates 'requireFile'
- NEW short how-tos about dd.txt databases and templates.
- FIX in install script: remove the call to "do" when it is associated with a function and it replaced $* = 1 with the /m switch in the regex (Malcolm).
- add short doc / howtos add Woda version in howtos, move them in appropriate directories
- add comments about unused functions formatTmpWinClose() formatTmpWinOpen()
- change release and install script to handle new functions and new structure
- change a bit the import form AdmImportForm (expected to be more friendly)
- FIX missing semicolon, thanks to perlTidy
- FIX Woda compatible with Perl 5.10
- translated some slovene comments, added a few ones about subs outputs
- FIX returned db's url in ddUseURL
- NEW add databases templates guestbook, news, people, link
- FIX text colors in WARN box
- NEW add flashy CSS template orange-green
- display USERFILE as "field's name" not "file" (change is in formatField)
- FIX when using ModiFySetting, all HOME and ADMIN MENU icons should target on _parent in cgiAdmModifySettingMenu change link to AdmModifyFieldsForm into AdmModifyFieldsFormToFrameX
- AdmModifySetting: increase size of input fields for formatName, sortUn, and sortNameUn, add comments
- in woda-max-pro.pl: add multiline (/m) in regexp in recFromRow
- update HTMLArea to latest 3.0 version which fix bugs and translation http://www.dynarch.com/projects/htmlarea/
- Change the JS calls in prepareHtmlArea
- change HTMLAREA field configuration in wbFormFieldItems
- FIX help for HEADING param in admMeta,
- fix typos in cgiAdmPrintVars,
- add comments about other stemmers in wbStemWord,
- FIX regression delete unused variable $xtime (mistakenly created while merging with Malcolm's branch)
- NEW $PRINTLOG setting in woda.conf, add explanation about overriding settings
- printStyleSample print default Woda style if WBB{style} is undefined. Change related AdmMenu (see "Show current color scheme"/ cgiColorSchemeShow).
- FIX again the paintFoundRec bug in paintFoundRec
- print more styles in printStyleSample (no more tab matching)
- Reworked cgiAdmImportForm
- Add tab delimiter (\t) in admReadCSV
- Fix some validation bugs in recValidate:
  - fix error set on wrong field because of empty one in previous record
  - set error on field's name instead of field content to fix errors not shown because of style precedence in urls, emails, preformated
  - if a required field is empty, the error message is now more explicit
- Start to add a cgiUndo/recRestore function
- NEW add system error message in wbFail
- improve errors message in record deletion:
  - add a call to wbFail in recDelete and rewrite others
  - remove call to wbCheckIdPos in recDelete
  - remove unused error code in cgiDeleteIt (because recDelete doesn't return error message)
- improve password recovery: test if email is valid in cgiPassR1, put form in table in cgiPassR2
- NEW disguise email adress in sub cgiFriendsOnline
- FIX the Add button right in cgiChanged
- FIX "exotic" email matching in sub isEmail
- FIX a display bug in paintFoundRec, new problems found though (see comments).
- FIX table code in cgiAdmWodaStatus
- FIX page number in search results
- FIX regression re-add cgiAdmAgentProcessForm, accidentally removed in 4.610
- NEW preserve user name for goodbye in cgiLogin
- Translations: add missing #UK and remove some ; add a note about translations ; put some strings in variables.
- Database creation: extend textarea size in AdmModifySetting ; change sample manager email for @example.com in AdmCreateDatabase + same for default email ;
- More readable error message in AdmRebuild + fix number of fields ; Other minor changes
- FIX empty CHECKBOX: add a hidden field for better handling of CHECKBOX and MULTIPLE select fields (thanks to Claudio Rivetti);
- FIX unescaped \@
- FIX the long awaiting bug about the use of uppercase letters in urls part before the script, like: http://www.server.xyz/Path/to/the/scriptfile.cgi
- Comment out "no warning" (bug pointed by Richard W)
- Fix bug with $PERLV and Perl < perl 5.1 (bug pointed by Richard W)
- FIX bug #344788 Add charset and change mime type text/plain to something more appropriate in CSV and TAB export from Search (sub printSearchHttpHeader)
- FIX Change obsolete html tag XMP to PRE - then remove it! (sub formatFoundSeparators)
- update woda.conf: complete explanation for USEURL and CHECKCGI
- FIX remove/comment out hard coded ICONURL in cgiStyleDocsSample and wbError (fix bug 544316) ;
- cosmetic changes in Woda presentation at top of the script
- WBB{*,help} was documented for templates but not used. Little changes in admMetaInput to handle it. Now, print help above setting when modifying a db.
- little improvements in admMa, admMeta, formatBaseDocs and formatFldDocs for ModifySettings page formatting. Better link on setting name.
- FIX evalTrouble to allow multiline strip and s/something//
- NEW "malcolm-blue" CSS style
- remove unecessary sort in cgiStructureDocs
- add default field type in ddReadTemplateDoc
- FIX help URL in sub wbHelpSearch
- lower case html, quotes, rights and uniformity in all demos files
- makes all demo files but "forum" compliant with evalTrouble
- FIX evalTrouble to allow parameters in UPPER functions (add punctuation pattern - limited to comma)
- NEW add 2 sets of icons (Malcolm and Claudio)
- FIX cgi/woda/demos will not find hello script, *~ and html files ; html is lower case
- FIX defaut is to deny NewTable in demos file
- change WodaHelpUrl
- NEW $CHECKCGI setting in woda.conf
- update/write comments for description of dd* functions
- FIX default perl path and woda path in provided samples and utilities
- FIX HTMLArea CSS url use $WODAURL instead of $ICONURL
- FIX an html bug in BrowseTree: incorrect numbering of nested lists with some browsers, mainly KHTML based, because of empty "ol" elements ; and make html code more readable by adding some spaces.
- add doc/possible sex for tracking format of search expressions (will be removed later)
- invert comments for $PERLV
- FIX remove unused backslash in qq()
- FIX better fix for #455483
- FIX the bug for extractapi by adding a space character (\s*) in regexp. This bug was just depending on formating rules!
- FIX location of Help page is now http://woda.sourceforge.net/HelpSearch
- code comments - update description of perl API functions
- code comments - add an explanation in cgiColorSchemeShow
- code comments - add reference to some bug reports #446411
- improve user esperience in AdmManyDelForm: more rows and add a link to open Basket
- FIX missing quotes in one target=woda-basket
- FIX typo in comments
- FIX url for a field in sample database people
- FIX error message when search for +foo:bar and foo is not a field name: remove the "+" in suggestion
- FIX searchCache (add missing quotes in WBB{searchCache}
- NEW managerEmail is allways obfuscated for spam botss (use &formatMailto everywhere)
- FIX the mess with basket window bybadding a target (sometimes basket was opening in _self)
- NEW function formatOpenWinJavaScript, useful for small windows popup
- FIX databases default encoding is ISO-8859-1 (but still using UTF8 for the file)
  FIX disguise email adress of Woda language author
- FIX use $WodaHomeUrl everywhere instead of hardcoding url
- FIX AdmDebug fetch $WodaHepUrl instead of harcoded one
- FIX security hole (Claudio Rivetti) bug #455483
- FIX bug #452160 in sub evalTrouble (which evaluates perl expressions): allow escaped single quotes, allow html code
- FIX cache not updated for U(n) sort formats with n greater than 3 (introduce in 4.610) in cgiAdmReindex
- FIX bug #455291 to allow UPPER function calls with params
- code comment - Add comment about mandatory setting in sub admMeta
- FIX documentation of fields settings: reference to _common.pl in requireFile documentation (was common.pl) - doc of field,option value: it is now string or constant instead of constant - doc about sort formats, now they are nine instead of three, since 4.610
- FIX form to create default field value ('d'): textarea instead of input, otherwise one can't type perl expressions.
- FIX bug #455287 to disallow forced evaluation of string started with empty qq() in sub evalTrouble:
- FIX problem with form datas in agent subscription
- update FILETYPES in woda.conf
- remove SENDMAIL flags in woda.conf
- more settings in woda.conf
- FIX missing require line in perl output from cgiAdmSaveDataDict
- write a short tutorial on database creation through the web interface (in doc/creating web db.txt), update templates how to,
- FIX in db/dir and db/use (template => structureTemplate)
- code comment
- add comments in files used for db creation on the fly
- typos, typos, typos and missing quotes, and typos, and #UK, and typos, etc.
- add a lot of comments in code in various places, mainly description of functions
- add documentation about ddUseURL
- start to document the new features
- remove final end of lines in calls to wbFail,
- FIX little perl warnings and typos add missing quotes for WBB in cgiStyles*
- remove an isolated ";" in mainPathInfo
- remove cgiAdmPrintSubs (dangerous and need some work)
- FIX unconditional check in sub evalTrouble for security fix
- change last multiline (delete $* and add m in regexp) for Perl 5.10 compatibility
- NEW change tgz package directories structure
- NEW add color in log in printed log file for FA (fatal error) and ER (fail) in sub admLogShow
- FIX an incorrect error message in cgiAdmClose
- FIX ERROR for bad search expression printed red on red by changing class from ERROR to ERRBOX in sub evalSafe. Checked all class="ERROR" in woda-max.pl for this bug. Should be OK.
- FIX various "require" and "do" in sub mainConfig, cgiAdmPrintCGIAPI, cgiAdmPrintPerlAPI and others
- update Ziga's code to Perl 5.10 and HTML4 compliance: remove "do" statements, quote WBB, make uniform calls to print with qq(), delete and add a lot of #UK, lowercase html, quote html attributes, fix typos, add comments above new sub functions and cgis.

===changes from Žiga Turk:===
- add new functions and cgis for creating or modifying databases on the web (rent-a-db functionalities) either on the fly, from CSV import or based upon templates.
  New functions are: sub ddSave, sub ddLoad, sub ddLoadTemplates, sub templateLoad, sub ddTemplatesGet, sub ddModifyEnd, sub ddUseURL, sub admSetWBFFromData, sub ddReadTemplateDoc.
  New cgis are: cgiAdmSaveDataDict, cgiAdmCreateDD, cgiAdmModifyStructureUndo, cgiAdmModifyStyleForm, cgiAdmModifyStyle, cgiIconDocs, cgiNewTableForm, cgiNewTable, cgiStyleDocs, cgiStyleDocsList, cgiStyleDocsSample, cgiStructureDocs, cgiNewTableMenu
- add call to ddModifyEnd in sub ddModify
- restrict perl code authorized in searches and data dictionares (dd.txt files) with a white list in sub evalTrouble
- add support for data dictionary in sub admChangeDefinitionButton
- add variables from "pro" version in cgiAdmPrintVars
- add support for DDTYPE variable in cgiAdmModifySetting
- add Table styles link in cgiAdmModifySettingMenu
- add call to cgiAdmCreateDD in sub cgiAdmApplyPageTemplate
- update cgiAdmMenu with links for creating new databases
- add support for db templates and data dictionaries in sub wbTables
- add support to DATADICT in sub wbExpiredDD
- add support for databases templates and data dictionaries in sub mainPathInfo
- add the possibility to set Home at server root in sub mainCmdline. See also Bug report #446411
- support virtual servers for each table like http://[www).]databaseid.domain/Search in sub mainCmdline
- add special ICONURL if wodad http server is used. WARNING: the url is hard coded (http://itc.fgg.uni-lj.si)
- add Trap to allways allowed pages (list is now ^Trap$|^Login$|^LoginForm$|^LoginOrRegister$|^$|^AboutUser$)
- add default option "-odd" for SENDMAIL, now all lookups are deferred

0 blueprints and 10 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
444601 #444601 cgiAdmPrintVars should use api.pl 5 Low Xavier Brochard  6 Confirmed
455291 #455291 evalTrouble doesn't allow upper functions calls with params 4 Medium Xavier Brochard  9 Fix Committed
591401 #591401 populated OPTION field can't be made empty 4 Medium   9 Fix Committed
600442 #600442 Changed includes Add button regardless of rights 4 Medium Malcolm Fitzgerald  9 Fix Committed
344788 #344788 CSV and TAB format use wrong content-type 5 Low Xavier Brochard  9 Fix Committed
446411 #446411 Script part url can't contains upper case letters 5 Low   9 Fix Committed
452171 #452171 AgentAddForm link is broken 5 Low Xavier Brochard  9 Fix Committed
455287 #455287 Perl expressions beginning with empty qq() are valid 5 Low Xavier Brochard  9 Fix Committed
342308 #342308 Woda 4.603 is not compatible with perl 5.10 3 High Xavier Brochard  10 Fix Released
452160 #452160 sub evalTrouble doesn't like CGI script 3 High Xavier Brochard  10 Fix Released
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