WOSH 0.8.161

many fixes and some component-releases

Milestone information

Alessandro Polo
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download icon WOSH-preview-icarus-0.8.161-2010-03-27.zip (md5) WOSH icarus 0.8.161 [preview], include source and woshshop binary 22
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
Total downloads: 22

Release notes 

WOSH [icarus] 0.8.161 is a PRE-RELEASE.

Major and minor fixes of release 0.8.151 / 0.8.101
Some core-modules has been released as final,
performance of the system is increased exponentially.


View the full changelog

 * critical deserialization fix on NEW_List
 * minor fix to containers (naming)
 * fixed permission bug of method_list (didn't allow to list methods)
 * common MPC method props_get now supports wildchar
 * ThreadManager released as 0.8.499(final)
 * BusManager released as 0.8.499(final)
 * SystemMonitor released as 0.8.161
 * DeviceManager: static methods removed
 * DeviceManager released as 0.8.499(final)
 * ObjectFactory released as 0.8.499(final)
 * introducing SharedMemory (still under development)
 * wosh-core low-level memory fixes (memcheck) [about 200kb were lost]
 * URI tree de-allocation fixed, URICollector now is a singleton (instead of the tree itself)
 * SystemProfiler de-allocation fixed (missing free() of properties and connectors)
 * global revision has been started
 * some doc-pages have moved nearby the implementation
 * added RoadMap file
 * rewritten FormScreenShoter, to be used for new documentation
 * rewritten FormBusMonitor, to be dockable, customizable
 * FormThreadManager released as 0.8.499(final)
 * FormBusManager released as 0.8.499(final)
 * FormSystemMonitor released as 0.8.161
 * FormDeviceManager released as 0.8.499(final)
 * FormObjectFactory released as 0.8.499(final)
 * added GuiMapping dialog (under Tools)

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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