WrightEagleBASE 3.0

Merge from mjiang's EastEagle team

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Release notes 

    * Merge from mjiang's EastEagle team


View the full changelog

2011-08-11 22:00 baj
 * Changelog,
 * NEWS: release version 3.0

2011-08-10 Aijun Bai <email address hidden>
 * NEWS,
 * dynamicdebug.txt,
 * src/Agent.cpp,
 * src/Agent.h,
 * src/BehaviorAttack.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorDribble.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorGoalie.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorPass.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorShoot.cpp,
 * src/Dasher.cpp,
 * src/DecisionTree.cpp,
 * src/Player.cpp,
 * src/PlayerParam.cpp,
 * src/Strategy.cpp,
 * src/Strategy.h: [44] Move LastActiveBehavior related codes from
 Strategy to Agent

 * Debug/makefile,
 * Debug/src/subdir.mk,
 * Release/makefile,
 * Release/src/subdir.mk,
 * src/ActionEffector.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorBlock.h,
 * src/BehaviorDribble.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorFormation.h,
 * src/BehaviorGoalie.h,
 * src/BehaviorHold.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorMark.h,
 * src/BehaviorPass.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorPenalty.h,
 * src/BehaviorSetplay.h,
 * src/BehaviorShoot.cpp,
 * src/Coach.h,
 * src/CommandSender.h,
 * src/Kicker.cpp,
 * src/Logger.h,
 * src/Parser.cpp,
 * src/Parser.h,
 * src/Player.h,
 * src/PlayerParam.h,
 * src/Plotter.cpp,
 * src/ServerParam.h,
 * src/Thread.cpp,
 * src/Utilities.cpp,
 * src/WorldState.cpp: [43] fix warnings

 * src/ActionEffector.cpp,
 * src/ActionEffector.h,
 * src/Agent.cpp,
 * src/Agent.h,
 * src/Analyser.h,
 * src/BallState.h,
 * src/BaseState.h,
 * src/BasicCommand.h,
 * src/BehaviorAttack.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorBase.h,
 * src/BehaviorDefense.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorIntercept.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorPass.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorPenalty.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorSetplay.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorShoot.cpp,
 * src/Client.cpp,
 * src/Client.h,
 * src/Coach.cpp,
 * src/Coach.h,
 * src/CommandSender.h,
 * src/CommunicateSystem.cpp,
 * src/CommunicateSystem.h,
 * src/Dasher.cpp,
 * src/Dasher.h,
 * src/DecisionTree.cpp,
 * src/DecisionTree.h,
 * src/DynamicDebug.cpp,
 * src/DynamicDebug.h,
 * src/Formation.cpp,
 * src/Formation.h,
 * src/Geometry.cpp,
 * src/Geometry.h,
 * src/InfoState.h,
 * src/InterceptInfo.cpp,
 * src/InterceptInfo.h,
 * src/InterceptModel.cpp,
 * src/InterceptModel.h,
 * src/Kicker.cpp,
 * src/Kicker.h,
 * src/Logger.h,
 * src/NetworkTest.cpp,
 * src/NetworkTest.h,
 * src/Observer.cpp,
 * src/Observer.h,
 * src/ParamEngine.h,
 * src/Parser.cpp,
 * src/Parser.h,
 * src/Player.cpp,
 * src/Player.h,
 * src/PlayerParam.cpp,
 * src/PlayerParam.h,
 * src/PlayerState.cpp,
 * src/PlayerState.h,
 * src/PositionInfo.cpp,
 * src/PositionInfo.h,
 * src/ServerParam.cpp,
 * src/ServerParam.h,
 * src/Strategy.cpp,
 * src/Strategy.h,
 * src/Tackler.cpp,
 * src/Tackler.h,
 * src/Thread.h,
 * src/TimeTest.cpp,
 * src/TimeTest.h,
 * src/Types.h,
 * src/Utilities.cpp,
 * src/Utilities.h,
 * src/VisualSystem.cpp,
 * src/VisualSystem.h,
 * src/WorldModel.cpp,
 * src/WorldModel.h,
 * src/WorldState.cpp,
 * src/WorldState.h,
 * src/main.cpp: [42] change to utf-8 encoding

2011-08-10 Aijun Bai <email address hidden>

 * src/BehaviorHold.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorHold.h: Added.

 * NEWS,
 * initrc,
 * src/BehaviorAttack.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorBase.h,
 * src/BehaviorBlock.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorDribble.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorFormation.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorGoalie.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorIntercept.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorMark.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorPass.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorPenalty.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorPosition.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorPosition.h,
 * src/BehaviorSetplay.cpp,
 * src/BehaviorShoot.cpp,
 * src/Coach.cpp,
 * src/Coach.h,
 * src/Geometry.cpp,
 * src/Geometry.h,
 * src/Kicker.cpp,
 * src/Kicker.h,
 * src/PlayerParam.cpp,
 * src/PlayerState.cpp,
 * src/PlayerState.h,
 * src/PositionInfo.cpp,
 * src/PositionInfo.h,
 * src/Strategy.cpp: Modified.

 [41] merge from mjiang's EastEagle team

2010-10-31 foreveriii

 * src/BehaviorMark.cpp: 修改Mark,加强后卫的盯人!
 * src/BeahviorPass.cpp: 修改Pass,试图加快传球动作。
 * src/BehaviorShoot.cpp: 修改Shoot,加快射门动作,取消行为保持
 * src/BehaviorFormation.cpp: 修改formation,加大权值,同时简单修正left,right优先级:中点和谁在一侧就先跑谁

2010-10-30 foreveriii

 * src/BehaviorPass.cpp: 修改pass,尝试加入interceptinfo,考虑截球周期

2010-10-29 foreveriii
 * src/Geometry.cpp, Geometry.h: 加入求两圆交点函数
 * src/PositionInfo.cpp: 防止角度出界
 * src/BehaviorIntercept.cpp: 加强守门员出击条件

2010-10-24 foreveriii

 * src/PositionInfo.cpp: fix bug

2010-10-22 foreveriii
 * src/Kicker.cpp: 更改kickClosetoBody
 * src/PlayerState.cpp: 修改kickrand的bug
 * src/PositionInfo.cpp: 减弱射门角度入选条件

2010-10-21 foreveriii

 * src/PlayerState.cpp: 加入kickRand考虑
 * src/BehaviorShoot.cpp: 方法,抛出判定,利用kickrand
 * src/Kicker.cpp: 优化kickclose
 * src/BehaviorFormation.cpp: 同样后卫不过前场
 * src/BehaviorPass.cpp: clear时,哪个大执行哪个
 * src/BehaviorPosition.cpp: 强行指定4号7号防守站位(临时)

2010-10-17 foreveriii

 * src/BehaviorDribble.cpp: 使得确认周围视觉,
 * src/BehaviorBlock.cpp: 消除角球时一直对着forbiddenarea一直dash的情况,节省体力

2010-10-16 foreveriii

 * src/BehaviorSetPlay.cpp: 在penalty,增加守门员截球
 * src/BehaviorIntercept.cpp: ,加强点球时的防守估权
 * src/BehaviorFormation.cpp: 让后卫去堵门
 * src/BehaviorDribble.cpp: 不离身带球
 * src/BehaviorPass.cpp: 使得对方人员距离太近时,铲球一定会发生
 * src/BehaviorPosition.cpp: 不要跟对方重合
 * src/BehaviorMark.cpp: 挡住对手!
 * src/BehaviorGoalie.cpp, src/BehaviorAttack.cpp: 防止回传球,

2010-10-15 foreveriii

 * src/BehaviorPass.cpp: 加入对方铲球考虑

2010-10-10 foreveriii

 * src/Strategy.cpp: 前锋的回场稍微往后挪1m,防止总是越位
 * src/BehaviorPosition.cpp: fix bug

2010-10-08 foreveriii

 * src/BehaviorPass.cpp: 加入选择条件,自己周围有人时,铲
 * src/BehaviorIntecept.cpp: 如果是守门员,则捉不到球时,去连线
 * src/BehaviorGoalie.cpp: fix bug
 * src/BehaviorFormation.cpp: 前锋回跑体力除以2

2010-10-07 foreveriii

 * src/BehaviorPosition.cpp: 减少越位bug

2010-10-05 foreveriii

 * src/BehaviorSetplay.cpp: 确定没有守门员move的bug

2010-09-24 foreveriii
 * src/BehaviorPosition.cpp: 自己周围没有人时,就按照原来的位置跑
 * src/BehaviorSetplay.cpp: 使得守门员移到禁区内,距离禁区线最近且他周围没有人的地方
 * src/PositionInfo.cpp: 使得射球更偏向门柱(仅仅只是左门柱)
 * src/BehaviorShoot.cpp: 利用kick-hard的buffer来得到最后球速(估计),则若铲球速度较大时,铲!
 * src/BehaviorPass.cpp: 使传球速度最大,同时满足上面的条件时,铲(铲球时,标记为Ahead,否则为Direct…………)
 * src/BehaviorPosition.cpp: 后卫往后跑不限速

2010-09-19 foreveriii

 * src/BehaviorPosition.cpp: 当自己距离队友较近,且自己周围有人时,往前跑

2010-09-16 foreveriii

 * src/Coach.cpp: 修改异构分配,使得守门员加速度较大
 * src/BehaviorIntercept.cpp: 能截才去截
 * src/BehaviorShoot.cpp: 只有角度足够大(10)才射门
 * src/BehaviorPosition.cpp: 前锋往前跑时不限速

2010-09-12 foreveriii

 * src/BehaviorShoot.cpp: 使得能够Tackle时执行
 * src/BehaviorIntercept.cpp: 守门员只管禁区,禁区外不管

2010-09-11 foreveriii

 * src/BehaviorDribble.cpp: 使得到达自己射门区域附近,目前速度决策改为:直接除以2……………………
 * src/BehaviorIntercept.cpp: 当队友与对手相撞, 距离过近(<0.8),冲,同时如果是守门员,则在对方靠近自己(估计得不到对方)的射门区域后,队友在对手身后时,出击!

2010-09-10 foreveriii

 * src/BehaivorPass.cpp: 当此周期没有决策,上周期决策传球时,维持上一周期动作。(意图防止守门员回传…………)
 * src/BehaviorAttack.cpp: 使得上次如果有传球或者带球动作,需要执行攻击决策

2010-09-09 foreveriii

 * src/BehaviorGoalie.cpp: 禁止Goalie类型活动,当自己的上一动作为传球带球时,
 * src/PositionInfo.cpp, src/PositionInfo.h: 加入GetShootAngle:将得到的对手位置减去自身位置
 * src/BehaviorShoot.cpp: 当上一mode为indirect是,传球后保证不射门
 * src/BehaviorPosition: Power决策:跑位不需要那么大的速度,简单除以2看看效果(非常好…………
 * src/Strategy.cpp: 前锋不回半场,便于进攻
 * src/BehaviorPass.cpp: 加入传球对象选择条件,当我与传球对象连线有10度的那个范围时,否决传球对象(待修改)
 * src/BehaviorIntercept.cpp: 删掉守门员不出击考虑(此项位于Strategy的球权分析,188行),当队友与对手相撞:距离过近(<0.3),冲(待修改)
 * src/Coach.cpp: 球员异构
 * src/BehaviorPositon.cpp: 防守队员不过中场

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