xbps 0.4

Milestone information

Juan RP
Release registered:
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2 Juan RP
2 Implemented
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Total downloads: 68

Release notes 

 * libxbps, xbps-bin(8), xbps-repo(8): redirect all warning and error
   messages to stderr.

 * libxbps: changes xbps_yesno() and xbps_noyes() to only accept "yes" or "no"
   (case insensitive) answers rather than 'y' or 'n', to avoid mistaken answers.

 * xbps-repo(8): added support to the 'search' target to find exact matches,
   i.e 'xbps-repo search bash'.

 * xbps-bin(8) added support to the 'install', 'remove' and 'update'
   targets to accept any arbitrary number of package names, i.e
   "xbps-bin install foo blah baz".
   See https://blueprints.launchpad.net/xbps/+spec/arbitrary-pkgname-args

 * xbps-bin(8): added support to the 'install' and 'update' targets to
   accept package patterns, i.e "xbps-bin install 'foo<=3.0'.
   See https://blueprints.launchpad.net/xbps/+spec/install-pkg-by-pkgmatch

 * libxbps: fixed some bugs while upgrading essential packages when new package
   didn't have an INSTALL or REMOVE script and old package had them.

 * libxbps: fixed some memleaks found by cppcheck and valgrind.

 * Makefiles reworked to support parallel builds.

 * libxbps: many exported functions to the API are now internal and not
   exported, because they were only used internally. The API is still not
   finished and may be changed without notice.

 * libxbps: be more strict finding required metadata plist files in binary
   packages. Now the code checks for the two required plist files to be at
   index <= 4 and doesn't write any entry to storage until they aren't found.

 * Added doxygen documentation for the API, enabled with BUILD_API_DOCS.

 * libxbps: synced libfetch code with NetBSD's pkgsrc, updated to 2.30.

 * xbps-bin(8): when downloading binary packages, it now sets default
   libfetch cache connection limits, thus reusing connections to the same host.

 * xbps-uhelper: the 'fetch' target now accepts an arbitrary number of
   arguments, and sets default libfetch cache connection limits.

 * xbps-bin(8): enable -f option for the 'purge' and 'remove' targets.
   If set, files will be removed even if its hash doesn't match for the
   'remove' target, and configuration files for the 'purge' target.

 * libxbps: if updating a package, always overwrite files while unpacking;
   compare old and new files to remove obsoletes if necessary. This makes
   the "essential" object in package dictionary unnecessary, because all
   packages are treated as they were essential.


This release does not have a changelog.

2 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Install pkg(s) by specifying a pkgmatch Install pkg(s) by specifying a pkgmatch 5 Essential Juan RP  11 Implemented
Support for more than one pkgname as argument Support for more than one pkgname as argument 5 Essential Juan RP  11 Implemented
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