Xibo 1.0.0-rc1 is available for download

Written for Xibo by Alex Harrington on 2009-02-23

The Xibo development team are proud to announce the availability of Xibo 1.0.0 release candidate 1.

The 1.0.0-rc1 release of Xibo is a major milestone for the project, as it means that we will be running this code on a live display screen in production for the first time since the code-base was overhauled and released under the AGPL v3.

A large proportion of the work involved in getting Xibo in to the FOSS world has been done by Dan Garner, who deserves much of the credit for the project as it stands.

We'd love to hear from people who are willing to give Xibo 1.0.0-rc1 a try. Please report any bugs you find in the bugs section of Launchpad.

There is some basic documentation at http://www.xibo.org.uk/manual

Known issues:
At this time, the user homepages functionallity is broken. This does not affect the operation of Xibo in its other modes. The xibo-developers team will be meeting to discuss the future of this feature before any 1.0.0 is released.

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