Yade 2017.01a

Written for Yade by Anton Gladky on 2017-01-19

Dear Yade users and developers,

After almost 7 months of development I am glad to announce
the next Yade version 2017.01a. The complete changelog
you will find as always at the end of this message.

Thanks all for contributions!


Thu, Jan 19 22:07:25 2017 +0100
Anton Gladky (20):
      Remove RELEASE file.
      Add some notes about how to make releases.
      Make Yade compatible with VTK7.
      Use C++11 constructions for InteractionLoop.
      Optimize using of ndarray.
      Partly fix webpage help show. LP:1598174
      Final fix for LP:1598174
      Add missing dependency on python-pyqt5.qtwebkit.
      Fix load/save in GUI-QT5.
      Drop unused typedef.
      Disable LAW2_SCGEOM_CAPILLARYPHYS_Capillarity1 by default.
      Remove some deprecated scripts.
      Increase the size of force container.
      +1 paper.
      Provide a proper functioning with IPython5.
      Add -fext-numeric-literals to fix FTBFS against boost_1.62
      Fix yade with IPython5.
      Update distro names in documentation
      Add missing header include <csignal>
      Add RELEASE file.

Bruno Chareyre (12):
      +2 articles (thanks to Bettina Suhr)
      + 1 proceedings (thanks to Bettina Suhr)
      Update citing_yade.bib
      revert the revert ca0e29ac57
      list authors of the doc as in doi:10.5281/zenodo.34073
      a note on using distcc and ccache
      minor editing of installation page
      Master thesis Morales2012a
      Introduce Network::surfaceSolidThroatInPore() for partial solid surfaces per half-throat
      make the recursion conditional for invasion in multiphase flow
      push a file missing in commit e91ff135b7
      Yade bibtex: "and others" invalid for less than 9 authors

Chao Yuan (4):
      Add cell label for phase cluster. NW-res label 0, W-res label 1, disconnected w-clusters start from 2. label can be saved in savePhaseVtk.
      fix comment on label.
      clean UnsaturatedEngine, move all functions to TwoPhaseFlowEngine.
      Revert DryingEngine.

Francois Kneib (1):
      Fix O.engines in examples/cylinders/cylinderconnection-roots.py

Jan Stránský (11):
      fixed a small bug in shear force computation in CPM model
      Added PolyhedraSplitter example
      Changed L3Geom to ScGeom in tutorial example scripts
      fixed a minor compilation issue in ConcretePM
      Fixed call of _utils.interactionAnglesHistogram with default arduments
      making all Law2::go virtual
      Matrix_computeUnitaryPositive, changed computeThinX to computeFullX flags
      User's manual, added how to visualize force chain in Paraview
      UnstructuredGrid: fiexd little bug in manual setting of facet position from vertices
      added pack.inHalfSpace and pack.inConvexPolygon + example script
      fixed another little bug in utils.UnstructuredGrid

Jerome Duriez (11):
      Doc clarification for TriaxialStressController.externalWork (http://www.mail-archive.com/yade-dev@lists.launchpad.net/msg12083.html)
      Doc of utils.readParamsFromTable() hopefully improved
      Friendlier BibTex entries for 2015 doc. To avoid Smilauer and et al in manuscripts
      Doc Getting help section updated to reflect current practice
      Including interface orientation data in CapillaryPhys code
      Capillary scripts commit (http://www.mail-archive.com/yade-dev@lists.launchpad.net/msg12103.html). Located in a new examples/capillaryLaplaceYoung folder intended to illustrates capillary Law2. With one new simulation script example and another old one, moved here
      Typo and minor corrections of previous capillary commit
      Capillary law2: erasing when necessary sphere-non sphere interactions (bug LP: #1628273) + minor changes
      Capillary law2: restricting test shape. Plus minor change in capillaryLaplaceYoung/README text file
      Doc: small updates in PartialEngine and KinematicEngines
      References .bib files: including new entries

Raphael Maurin (4):
      HydroForceEngine: add a condition to ignore particles fixed on the sideWalls.
      Add an example for the use of HydroForceEngine
      HydroForceEngine: new fluctuation model for the example script + small correction Add new simple discrete random walk fluctuation model, to be used with the new example script fluidizedBed.py Change the condition for applying the fluid force from p>0 to p>=0, which is more appropriate
      Add two example scripts for the use of HydroForceEngine One simple example to get familiar with the application of buoyancy (buoyantParticles.py). One example simulating a fluidized bed configuration to get familiar with both the application of a fluid velocity profile and of turbulent fluctuation with the DRW models (fluidizedBed.py)

bchareyre (19):
      fix invalid pointer, thanks Jerome (https://lists.launchpad.net/yade-dev/msg12791.html)
      (doc) clarify the meaning of TriaxialStressController::externalWork
      fix 1 compile warning
      reordering bib references
      remove latex/multicolumn from sphinx conf.py (compile error on some systems)
      Law2_ScGeom_CapillaryPhys_Capillarity: cache getClassIndex() for use in a loop
      fix wrong access to a Network::boundary by index
      FlowEngine: enable the definition of continuum scale permeability independent of particle sizes
      Introduce DryingEngine (two phase flow with convection in one phase)
      Implement Darcy scale permeability in FlowEngine, introduce alphaShapes (commented), some code cleaning and smallfixes
      (FlowEngine) optionaly include/skip bounding cells when calculating the average pore pressure
      fix negative volumes issue in triangulation cells, consistentlyy remove the includeBoundary option (a workaround) in averageVelocity
      TwoPhaseFlowEngine: better integration of fluid clusters
      merging PhaseCluster code with r3975
      fix compile warnings
      small optimization in Clump::updateProperties
      update phaseCluster attributes: volume, interfacial area, etc. + various smallfixes in the cluster labelling
      further improvement of the cluster labeling in multiphase model
      2PFLOW engine: remove useless int from getInterfaces()'s parameters

booncw (2):
      Pushing Potential Blocks based on CWBoonEtAl2012 Computers&Geotechnics/CWBoon 2013 PhD thesis, but using CLP as linear programming Solver. CLP can be downloaded from Synaptic Package Manager: coinor-clp, coinor-libclp-dev, coinor-libclp1, coinor-libosi1v5. To enable this, set ENABLE_POTENTIAL_BLOCKS to ON in CMakeLists.txt"
      revising Potential Blocks to the latest version to run slope analysis

raphm1 (1):
      ViscoelasticPM : fix resolution problem in find_cn_from_en function Change the value of the initial perturbation for the resolution of the equation to obtain the damping from the restitution coefficient. Allows for a much wider range of resolution in terms of mass, stiffness and restitution coefficient. Put a limiter to avoid division by zero and force the loop to print the warning message if "error" goes to nan (no warning in these cases previously)

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