PPA packages

19 of 9 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
bind9 Mandriva Management Console - MDS - Pulse2 - Ubuntu Precise 1:9.8.1.dfsg.P1-4ubuntu0.10ppa2~precise1 None
bind9 Mandriva Management Console - MDS - Pulse2 - Ubuntu Lucid 1:9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.12ppa1~lucid1 None
remmina Remmina with support uVNC repeater - Ubuntu Trusty 1.0.0-4ubuntu4+26~ubuntu14.04.1 None
remmina Remmina with support uVNC repeater - Ubuntu Saucy 1.0.0-4ubuntu4+26~ubuntu13.10.1 None
uck PPA for Alexander Lipatov - Ubuntu Saucy 2.4.6-0ubuntu1~18~ubuntu13.10.1 None
remmina PPA for Alexander Lipatov - Ubuntu Raring 1.0.0-4ubuntu2+201311231150~ubuntu13.04.1 None
remmina PPA for Alexander Lipatov - Ubuntu Saucy 1.0.0-4ubuntu2+201311231148~ubuntu13.10.1 None
unity-scope-youporn PPA for Alexander Lipatov - Ubuntu Raring 0.1-0~14~raring1 None
unity-lens-adult PPA for Alexander Lipatov - Ubuntu Raring 0.1-0~3~raring1 None
19 of 9 results