PPA packages

141 of 41 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
gateone Python - Ubuntu Precise 1.2.0-1ubuntu5~precise None
python-concurrent.futures Python - Ubuntu Precise 2.2.0-1ubuntu1~precise None
python-setuptools Python - Ubuntu Precise 3.3-1ubuntu5~precise None
pymongo Python - Ubuntu Precise 2.7.2-1ubuntu2~precise None
setuptools Python - Ubuntu Precise 3.6-1ubuntu2~precise None
python-simple-hipchat Python - Ubuntu Precise 0.2-1ubuntu2~precise None
stevedore Python - Ubuntu Precise 1.4.0-1ubuntu2~precise None
virtualenvwrapper Python - Ubuntu Precise 4.5.1-1ubuntu2~precise None
pystache Python - Ubuntu Precise 0.5.4-1ubuntu1~precise None
aws-cfn-bootstrap Python - Ubuntu Precise 1.4-1ubuntu1~precise None
pbr Python - Ubuntu Precise 0.11.0-1ubuntu2~precise None
docopt Python - Ubuntu Precise 0.6.2-1ubuntu2~precise None
virtualenv-clone Python - Ubuntu Precise 0.2.5-1ubuntu1~precise None
jmespath Python - Ubuntu Precise 0.4.1-1ubuntu1~precise None
rsa Python - Ubuntu Precise 3.1.2-1ubuntu1~precise None
colorama Python - Ubuntu Precise 0.2.5-1ubuntu1~precise None
bcdoc Python - Ubuntu Precise 0.12.2-1ubuntu1~precise None
botocore Python - Ubuntu Precise 0.62.0-1ubuntu1~precise None
pyyaml Python - Ubuntu Precise 3.11-2ubuntu2~precise None
awscli Python - Ubuntu Precise 1.4.2-1ubuntu1~precise None
prettytable Python - Ubuntu Precise 0.7.2-1ubuntu1~precise None
paramiko Python - Ubuntu Precise 1.15.1-1ubuntu2~precise None
pycrypto Python - Ubuntu Precise 2.6.1-1ubuntu1~precise None
ecdsa Python - Ubuntu Precise 0.11-1ubuntu1~precise None
boto Python - Ubuntu Precise 2.29.1-1ubuntu1~precise None
argparse Python - Ubuntu Precise 1.2.1-1ubuntu1~precise None
ansible Python - Ubuntu Precise 1.5.5-1ubuntu1~precise None
virtualenv Python - Ubuntu Precise 1.11.6-1ubuntu1~precise None
pip Python - Ubuntu Precise 1.5.6-1ubuntu1~precise None
python-pip Python - Ubuntu Precise 1.5.6-5ubuntu3~precise None
gateone Python - Ubuntu Vivid 1.2.0-1ubuntu4~vivid None
gateone Python - Ubuntu Trusty 1.2.0-1ubuntu4~trusty None
tornado Python - Ubuntu Precise 4.2-1ubuntu3~precise None
certifi Python - Ubuntu Precise 2015.04.28-1ubuntu2~precise None
certifi Python - Ubuntu Vivid 2015.04.28-1ubuntu2~vivid None
html5lib Python - Ubuntu Precise 0.99999-1ubuntu1~precise None
tornado Python - Ubuntu Trusty 4.2-1ubuntu2~trusty None
tornado Python - Ubuntu Vivid 4.2-1ubuntu2~vivid None
backports.ssl-match-hostname Python - Ubuntu Trusty None
backports.ssl-match-hostname Python - Ubuntu Precise None
certifi Python - Ubuntu Trusty 2015.4.28-1ubuntu1~trusty None
141 of 41 results