Related packages

PPA packages

Displaying first 10 packages out of 11 total
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
openav-luppp openav - Ubuntu Trusty 1.0.1-0~2trusty1.gbpf7846d None
ntk openav - Ubuntu Trusty 1.3.0-0~trusty1 None
evrouter evrouter - Ubuntu Vivid 0.4+benley2-0~9~ubuntu15.04.1 None
evrouter evrouter - Ubuntu Precise 0.4+benley2-0~9~ubuntu12.04.1 None
evrouter evrouter - Ubuntu Utopic 0.4+benley2-0~9~ubuntu14.10.1 None
evrouter evrouter - Ubuntu Trusty 0.4+benley2-0~9~ubuntu14.04.1 None
etcdctl etcd - Ubuntu Trusty 0.4.3-0ocs1 None
etcd etcd - Ubuntu Trusty 0.4.3-0ocs3~ None
python-zulip zulip - Ubuntu Precise 0.2.2-3 None
requests zulip - Ubuntu Precise 1.1.0-1~precise0 None