
Created by k8s ci on 2024-01-19 and last modified on 2024-01-20

Charm recipe information

Kubernetes Worker Charm
Build schedule: (?)
Built on request
Source snap channels for automatic builds:
charmcraft latest/stable

Builds of this charm recipe are not automatically uploaded to the store.

Latest builds

Status When complete Architecture
[FULLYBUILT] Successfully built buildlog (19.9 KiB) arm64
[FULLYBUILT] Successfully built buildlog (19.8 KiB) s390x
[FULLYBUILT] Successfully built buildlog (19.9 KiB) amd64
[FULLYBUILT] Successfully built buildlog (19.9 KiB) arm64
[FULLYBUILT] Successfully built buildlog (19.9 KiB) s390x
[FULLYBUILT] Successfully built buildlog (20.0 KiB) amd64
[CANCELLED] Cancelled build arm64
[CANCELLED] Cancelled build buildlog (11.7 KiB) armhf
[CANCELLED] Cancelled build buildlog (19.9 KiB) amd64
[FAILEDTOBUILD] Failed to build buildlog (11.9 KiB) ppc64el