PPA packages

143 of 43 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
grub2 Builds - Ubuntu Hirsute 2.04-1ubuntu46 None
glibc Test builds for sponsored packages - Ubuntu Xenial 2.23-0ubuntu11 None
linux Builds - Ubuntu Trusty 3.13.0-164.214+hf211819v20190124b4 None
systemd systemd - LP: #1812760 - Ubuntu Bionic 237-3ubuntu10.12~ppa2 None
systemd systemd - LP: #1812760 - Ubuntu Cosmic 239-7ubuntu10.7~ppa2 None
apt Builds - Ubuntu Trusty 1.0.1ubuntu2.19~testpkg3 None
cachefilesd Builds - Ubuntu Xenial 0.10.5-1ubuntu2 None
linux Builds - Ubuntu Xenial 4.4.0-138.164+hf191072v20181104b1 None
linux-aws Builds - Ubuntu Cosmic 4.18.0-1002.3+hf201793v20181023b6 None
linux-aws Builds - Ubuntu Bionic 4.15.0-1025.25+hf201793v20181023b5 None
linux-aws Builds - Ubuntu Xenial 4.4.0-1070.80+hf201793v20181023b4 None
gce-compute-image-packages Scratch space, don't use - Ubuntu Trusty 20180905+dfsg1-0ubuntu1~14.04.1 None
gce-compute-image-packages Scratch space, don't use - Ubuntu Xenial 20180905+dfsg1-0ubuntu1~16.04.1 None
glibc Glibc LP: #1663280 - Ubuntu Xenial 2.23-0ubuntu11~ppa2 None
linux Builds - Ubuntu Bionic 4.15.0-34.37+hf195310v20180920b3 None
linux-aws Builds - Ubuntu Trusty 4.4.0-1028.31+hf182638v20180820b2 None
netplan.io Builds - Ubuntu Bionic 0.39+dja2.2 None
glibc Builds - Ubuntu Xenial 2.23-0ubuntu13 None
linux-lts-xenial Builds - Ubuntu Trusty 4.4.0-120.144~14.04.1+hf174460v20180412b1 None
linux PowerPC kernels - Ubuntu Xenial 4.4.0-112.135+hf140365v20180211b2 None
linux PowerPC kernels - Ubuntu Trusty 3.13.0-141.190+hf140365v20180211b1 None
linux khugepaged-trylock - Ubuntu Xenial 4.4.0-112.135+hf170335v20180209b1 None
linux Builds - Ubuntu Artful 4.13.0-32.35+hf140365v20180207b2 None
linux PowerPC kernels - Ubuntu Zesty 4.10.0-40.44+hf140365v20171204b1 None
linux Builds - Ubuntu Zesty 4.10.0-38.42+hf140365v20171117b2 None
open-iscsi Builds - Ubuntu Xenial 2.0.873+git0.3b4b4500-14ubuntu3.5 None
open-iscsi Builds - Ubuntu Artful 2.0.874-4ubuntu3.1 None
linux SF 140365 (IBM) testfix - Ubuntu Zesty 4.10.0-26.30+hf140365v20170710b2 None
143 of 43 results