PPA packages

151225 of 2193 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
libpng16 Useful tools - Ubuntu Trusty 1.6.29-0ppa1~trusty None
fdk-aac Useful tools - Ubuntu Xenial 0.1.5-0ppa1~xenial None
fdk-aac Useful tools - Ubuntu Trusty 0.1.5-0ppa1~trusty None
elfkickers Useful tools - Ubuntu Xenial 3.1-0ppa1~xenial None
elfkickers Useful tools - Ubuntu Trusty 3.1-0ppa1~trusty None
daala Useful tools - Ubuntu Xenial 0.0-1686-gae21d4a-1~xenial None
daala Useful tools - Ubuntu Trusty 0.0-1686-gae21d4a-1~trusty None
bspsrc Useful tools - Ubuntu Xenial 1.3.23-1~xenial None
bspsrc Useful tools - Ubuntu Trusty 1.3.23-1~trusty None
vapoursynth-extra-plugins VapourSynth - Ubuntu Trusty 20170110-1~trusty None
screenfetch screenFetch - Ubuntu Precise 3.8.0-2~precise None
screenfetch screenFetch - Ubuntu Zesty 3.8.0-2~zesty None
screenfetch screenFetch - Ubuntu Yakkety 3.8.0-2~yakkety None
screenfetch screenFetch - Ubuntu Trusty 3.8.0-2~trusty None
mediainfo MediaInfo - Ubuntu Xenial 0.7.93-0ppa1~xenial None
elftoolchain Useful tools - Ubuntu Precise 0.7.1-0ppa1~precise3 None
vapoursynth VapourSynth - Ubuntu Yakkety 36-2~yakkety None
zimg VapourSynth - Ubuntu Trusty 2.4-1~trusty None
libzen MediaInfo - Ubuntu Xenial 0.4.34-0ppa1~xenial None
neroaac Hybrid - Ubuntu Xenial None
151225 of 2193 results