Members of “Flumotion developers”

  • Active members

    There are 8 direct members of the "Flumotion developers" team, and 8 people are members in total, directly and indirectly through other team memberships.

    18 of 8 results
    Name Member since Expires Status
    Andoni Morales 2010-06-03 09:19:32 UTC Approved
    elmarco 2010-06-03 09:19:52 UTC Approved
    Joseph Crosland 2012-07-04 16:19:50 UTC Administrator
    Julien Le Goff 2010-06-03 09:22:54 UTC Approved
    Pepe Ribas 2010-06-03 09:19:14 UTC Approved
    Sebastien Merle 2010-06-03 09:20:11 UTC Approved
    Thomas Vander Stichele 2008-05-10 13:07:24 UTC Administrator
    Zaheer Merali 2010-06-03 09:20:50 UTC Approved
    18 of 8 results