Priority for 0.3

What should be the absolute priority during the development of GTG 0.3?

Simple Voting
Secret Votes (It's impossible to track a person's vote)

Voting options

Name Title Active
gnome-applet A gnome applet and related options Yes
multi-backends Ability to handle multiple backends to store tasks, including online backends Yes
easier-gui Make adding and editing tasks easier and quickier Yes
gnome-integration More GNOME integration (gnome-do, evolution, hamster, …) Yes
tags More complex tagging system (support projects, automatic tagging, …) Yes
ubuntuone No multi-backends, only the possibility to have your tasks stored on Ubuntu One Yes
perf make it faster, faster, faster, … Yes

Voting has closed

Voting closed .


The winner(s) of this poll is(are) No multi-backends, only the possibility to have your tasks stored on Ubuntu One

Here are the number of votes each option received.

Option Votes
A gnome applet and related options 1
Ability to handle multiple backends to store tasks, including online backends 1
Make adding and editing tasks easier and quickier 1
More GNOME integration (gnome-do, evolution, hamster, …) 1
More complex tagging system (support projects, automatic tagging, …) 0
No multi-backends, only the possibility to have your tasks stored on Ubuntu One 2
make it faster, faster, faster, … 1