PPA packages

76150 of 311 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
python-zope.viewlet SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.2-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.ucol SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 1.0.2-1ubuntu5 None
python-zope.traversing SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.thread SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.testing SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.5.1-1ubuntu3 None
python-zope.testbrowser SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.2-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.tales SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.tal SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.1-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.structuredtext SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.size SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.session SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.1-1ubuntu3 None
python-zope.server SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.5.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.securitypolicy SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.security SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu5 None
python-zope.schema SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-2ubuntu2 None
python-zope.publisher SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.2-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.proxy SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu4 None
python-zope.pagetemplate SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.modulealias SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.minmax SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 1.1.0-1ubuntu3 None
python-zope.mimetype SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 0.3.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.location SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.lifecycleevent SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.interface SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.1-6gutsy1ubuntu1 None
python-zope.index SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.1-1ubuntu4 None
python-zope.i18nmessageid SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.3-2ubuntu2 None
python-zope.i18n SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu4 None
python-zope.html SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 1.0.1-1ubuntu3 None
python-zope.hookable SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu4 None
python-zope.formlib SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu3 None
python-zope.filerepresentation SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.file SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 0.3.0-1ubuntu6 None
python-zope.exceptions SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.event SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-2ubuntu2 None
python-zope.error SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.5.1-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.dublincore SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.dottedname SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.2-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.deprecation SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.deferredimport SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.datetime SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.copypastemove SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.contenttype SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.contentprovider SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.configuration SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.component SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu3 None
python-zope.cachedescriptors SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu3 None
python-zope.app.zopeappgenerations SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.app.zcmlfiles SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.3-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.app.zapi SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.app.wsgi SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.app.wfmc SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 0.1.2-1ubuntu3 None
python-zope.app.tree SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.app.traversing SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu4 None
python-zope.app.testing SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.1-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.app.skins SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.app.session SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Intrepid 3.5.1-1ubuntu3 None
python-zope.ucol SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Hardy 1.0.2-1ubuntu4 None
python-zope.ucol SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Gutsy 1.0.2-1ubuntu3 None
python-zope.security SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Hardy 3.4.0-1ubuntu4 None
python-zope.security SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Gutsy 3.4.0-1ubuntu3 None
python-zope.proxy SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Hardy 3.4.0-1ubuntu3 None
python-zope.proxy SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Gutsy 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.hookable SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Hardy 3.4.0-1ubuntu3 None
python-zope.hookable SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Gutsy 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-zope.app.container SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Hardy 3.5.3-1ubuntu4 None
python-zope.app.container SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Gutsy 3.5.3-1ubuntu3 None
python-schooltool SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Hardy 2008.4.0-1ubuntu1 None
python-schooltool.stapp2008spring SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Hardy 0.1.4-1ubuntu1 None
python-schooltool.lyceum.journal SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Hardy 0.1.4-1ubuntu1 None
python-schooltool.gradebook SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Hardy 0.0.2-1ubuntu1 None
zodb SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Hardy 3.8.0-0ubuntu4 None
python-zope.component SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Hardy 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 None
python-hurry SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Hardy 1ubuntu1 None
python-restrictedpython SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Hardy 3.4.2-1ubuntu2 None
python-schooltool.buildconfig SchoolTool PPA - Ubuntu Hardy 0.2.4-1ubuntu1 None
76150 of 311 results