
PPA packages

151191 of 191 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
libnestegg Pan.do/ra - Ubuntu Maverick 0.1git-0~ppa2 None
libtheora PPA - Ubuntu Lucid 1.2.0-0alpha1~svn17498~ppa1 None
mkvtoolnix Pan.do/ra - Ubuntu Lucid 4.3.0-1ubuntu1~ppa2 None
mkvtoolnix Pan.do/ra - Ubuntu Maverick 4.3.0-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
libebml Pan.do/ra - Ubuntu Lucid 1.0.0-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
libebml Pan.do/ra - Ubuntu Maverick 1.0.0-1ubuntu0~ppa1 None
libmatroska Pan.do/ra - Ubuntu Lucid 1.0.0-1ubuntu1~ppa2 None
oxtools Pan.do/ra - Ubuntu Lucid 0.1~ppa2 None
libnestegg Pan.do/ra - Ubuntu Lucid 0.1git-0~ppa1 None
calcool PPA - Ubuntu Karmic 0.3 None
r8168-dkms PPA - Ubuntu Karmic 8.015.00~ppa3 None
pycalc PPA - Ubuntu Karmic 0.1~public2 None
ffmpeg2theora Ogg Theora tools and libraries - Ubuntu Hardy 0.25-0ubuntu1~ppa1~hardy1 None
ffmpeg2theora Ogg Theora tools and libraries - Ubuntu Jaunty 0.25-0ubuntu1~ppa1~jaunty1 None
ffmpeg2theora Ogg Theora tools and libraries - Ubuntu Karmic 0.25-0ubuntu1~ppa1~karmic1 None
libtheora Ogg Theora tools and libraries - Ubuntu Hardy 1.1.0-0ubuntu1~ppa1~hardy1 None
libtheora Ogg Theora tools and libraries - Ubuntu Jaunty 1.1.0-0ubuntu1~ppa1~jaunty1 None
libtheora Ogg Theora tools and libraries - Ubuntu Karmic 1.1.0-0ubuntu1~ppa1~karmic1 None
hyena Random stuff - Ubuntu Karmic 0.2 None
oggvideotools Ogg Theora tools and libraries - Ubuntu Jaunty 0.8-0ubuntu2 None
oggvideotools Ogg Theora tools and libraries - Ubuntu Karmic 0.8-0ubuntu1 None
farsight2 PPA - Ubuntu Jaunty 0.0.14-2ubuntu2 None
gst2ogg Ogg Theora tools and libraries - Ubuntu Jaunty 0.1ubuntu1 None
gst2ogg Ogg Theora tools and libraries - Ubuntu Hardy 0.1 None
tss Ogg Theora tools and libraries - Ubuntu Jaunty 0.3-0ubuntu1 None
oggvideotools PPA - Ubuntu Jaunty 0.7b None
python-v2v PPA - Ubuntu Hardy 0.2-2 None
ffmpeg2theora PPA - Ubuntu Hardy 0.21-1 None
v2vupload PPA - Ubuntu Hardy 0.1 None
v2vserver PPA - Ubuntu Hardy 0.5-1 None
theora2gif PPA - Ubuntu Hardy 1.0-1 None
151191 of 191 results