PPA for Loïc Minier
PPA description
Adding this PPA to your system
You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:lool/ppa to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lool/ppa sudo apt update
For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact Loïc Minier.
PPA statistics
- Activity
- 0 updates added during the past month.
View package details
Overview of published packages
1 → 32 of 32 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
Package | Version | Uploaded by |
0xffff | 0.4.0-1~dooz1 | Loïc Minier () |
android-tools | 4.2.2+git20130529-1~saucy1 | Loïc Minier () |
apt | | Loïc Minier () |
barebox | 2011.10.0-0dooz1 | Loïc Minier () |
debian-installer | 20101020ubuntu35linaro2dooz2 | Loïc Minier () |
gcc-4.6-armel-cross | 1.55dooz1 (Newer version available) | Loïc Minier () |
google-docs-fs | 1.0~rc1-0dooz1 | Loïc Minier () |
gstreamer1.0 | 1.16.3-0ubuntu1 (Newer version available) | Loïc Minier () |
indicator-applet | 0.4.12-0ubuntu1dooz1 | Loïc Minier () |
libdrm | | Loïc Minier () |
linaro-image-tools | 0.4.3-0ubuntu2~linaro1 | Loïc Minier () |
linux | 2.6.38-armhf1.1 | Loïc Minier () |
linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 | 2.6.24-23.37~dooz1 | Loïc Minier () |
mir | 0.0.14+13.10.20131009.4-0ubuntu1 | PS Jenkins bot () |
morituri | 0.1.2-1~dooz2 | Loïc Minier () |
pkgbinarymangler | 91~linaro1 | Loïc Minier () |
powertop-1 | 1.13-0ubuntu1~dooz1 | Loïc Minier () |
powertop-1.13 | 1.13-1ubuntu2 | Loïc Minier () |
python-debian | 0.1.16ubuntu1~linaro1~dooz1 | Loïc Minier () |
python-fixtures | 0.3.5-1ubuntu1~linaro1 | Loïc Minier () |
python-testtools | 0.9.8-1~linaro2 | Loïc Minier () |
rbutil | 1.2.6-1~dooz2 | Loïc Minier () |
repo | 1.7.5-0dooz2 | Loïc Minier () |
repo | 1.7.5-0dooz2 | Loïc Minier () |
repo | 1.7.5-0dooz2 | Loïc Minier () |
s3-simple-fuse | 0.5-0dooz1 | Loïc Minier () |
s3-simple-fuse | 0.5-0dooz1 | Loïc Minier () |
s3-simple-fuse | 0.5-0dooz1 | Loïc Minier () |
samsung-platform-emulator | 0.0.0-0ubuntu0dooz5 | Loïc Minier () |
uboot-envtools | 20081215-1+dooz2 | Loïc Minier () |
xserver-xorg-video-psb | 0.20.0+repack-0ubuntu1~804um1~dooz1 | Loïc Minier () |
xterm | 268-1ubuntu1dooz6 | Loïc Minier () |
1 → 32 of 32 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |