Related packages

PPA packages

Displaying first 10 packages out of 11 total
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
osm2pgsql POSM PPA - Ubuntu Trusty 0.88.1-1~ubuntu14.04.1~ppa2 None
gradle POSM PPA - Ubuntu Trusty 2.13-4~ubuntu14.04.1~ppa1 None
netty-3.9 POSM PPA - Ubuntu Trusty 3.9.0.Final-2~ubuntu14.04.1~ppa1 None
gradle-debian-helper POSM PPA - Ubuntu Trusty 1.3~ubuntu14.04.1~ppa1 None
osmpbf POSM PPA - Ubuntu Trusty 1.3.3-6~ubuntu14.04.1~ppa1 None
osmctools POSM PPA - Ubuntu Trusty 0.6-1~ubuntu14.04.1~ppa1 None
mapnik Random packages - Ubuntu Lucid 0.7.3-1mojodna1~lucid1 None
metricsd Metrics gathering tools - Ubuntu Quantal 0.5.0-1mojodna1~quantal8 None
metricsd Metrics gathering tools - Ubuntu Precise 0.5.0-1mojodna1~precise8 None
metricsd Metrics gathering tools - Ubuntu Lucid 0.5.0-1mojodna1~lucid8 None