Publishing details


audacious-plugins (3.4.3-1~webupd8~quantal) quantal; urgency=medium

  * new upstream stable release
  * disable 01_raring_ffmpeg07compat.patch for precise and quantal and enable 01_ffmpeg07compat.patch instead
  * enable 00_undo-migrate-thread-mutex-functions-to-posix.patch to undo "migrate thread/mutex functions to posix" for the src/ffaudio/ffaudio-core.c only - commit log which we've undone: (only for ffaudio-core.c). Without this, Audacious segfaults if a wma file is playing and the player is restarted. This is only for precise and quantal
 -- Alin Andrei <email address hidden>   Mon, 06 Jan 2014 01:18:59 +0200

Available diffs


Package files

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