My Personal PPA

PPA description

My Personal PPA.

For the package 'lxsurface', you will need to run

$ sudo apt-add-repository

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt install lxsurface

$ cd ~/

$ wget

$ wget

$ sudo dpkg -i ~/linux-headers-4.6.7-*

$ cat <<'EOF' | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/i915.conf > /dev/null
options i915 enable_guc_submission=Y guc_log_level=3

$ sudo mkdir /itouch

# And you'll need to copy the touch firmware from your Windows directory.

# *mount your Windows partition*

# Issue something like:

$ sudo cp -a /media/nolenjohnson/Windows/INF/PreciseTouch/*/* /itouch/

$cd /itouch

$ sudo ln -s iaPreciseTouchDescriptor.bin /itouch/integ_descriptor.bin
$ sudo ln -s SurfaceTouchServicingSFTConfigMSHW0076.bin /itouch/integ_sft_cfg_skl.bin
$ sudo ln -s SurfaceTouchServicingDescriptorMSHW0076.bin /itouch/vendor_descriptor.bin
$ sudo ln -s SurfaceTouchServicingKernelSKLMSHW0076.bin /itouch/vendor_kernel_skl.bin

# You may need to try different firmwares. On Ubuntu 16.04, under Linux 4.6.7, on the Surface Book, firmware v76 works, though, I've heard on the Surface Pro 4 v78 is the only one that works. Play around with it. For me, v79 resulted in inverted touch.

$ sudo update-grub

$ sudo reboot

# Select Linux 4.6.7+ in GRUB upon reboot, if it works for you, you can set it as default using grub-customizer (Google it).


# I will not be updating this to 4.7 any time soon.


# The currently distributed dock firmware is buggy, and I can't fix firmware related issues. If you have issues with the dock, play around with unplugging/rebooting/plugging it in.
# NVidia dGPU isn't yet supported.
# Undocking results in logout (expected behavior, looking into disabling it).
# Taking the screen off results in logout (expected behavior, looking into disabling it).


branch: linux-4.6.y

defconfig: surface_defconfig

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