Team participation for Odysseus Kaziolas

Odysseus Kaziolas is a member of the following teams:

Team Joined Expires Role Via Mailing List
Bug Supervisors for Ubuntu Translations Member Ubuntu Bug Control, Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Buy-something hackers Member Canonical ISD hackers, Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Candiru Hackers Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Canonical Firewall Configuration Member [private team], Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Canonical ISD hackers Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Canonical Online Services 2022-06-29 Member
Canonical Payment Service Testers Member Canonical ISD hackers, Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Canonical Voices Member Canonical ISD hackers, Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Crash bug triagers for Ubuntu packages Member Ubuntu Bug Control, Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
CurucĂș Hackers Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Development of awstrial Member Canonical ISD hackers, Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Oops Tools development team Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Ratings and Reviews Developers Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
SIAB Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Submarine Member CurucĂș Hackers, Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Tanuki Squad Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
The Capomastro Team Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Turkey Pop-up Team Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Ubuntu Bug Control Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services Not subscribed
Ubuntu CSS Maintainers Member Canonical ISD hackers, Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services Not subscribed
Ubuntu One Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Ubuntu One Android Client Team Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Ubuntu One Android hackers Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Ubuntu One Support Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Ubuntu One discussion Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services Not subscribed
Ubuntu One hackers Member Canonical Online Services
Ubuntu One iOS Client Team Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Ubuntu Push Hackers Member [private team], Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
Ubuntu Start Page Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
cerati hackers Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
oerppy Hackers Member Canonical ISD hackers, Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services Not subscribed
software-store-developers Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services Not subscribed
txStatsD Developers Member Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services
ubuntuforums-devel Member Canonical ISD hackers, Ubuntu One hackers, Canonical Online Services