Maintained Packages

76150 of 398 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
opalmod Ubuntu Karmic 0.2.0 None
dhttpd Ubuntu Karmic 1.02a-17 None
debarchiver Ubuntu Karmic 0.9.3 None
dhttpd Debian Squeeze 1.02a-17 None
debarchiver Debian Squeeze 0.9.3 None
vzquota Debian Experimental 3.0.12-1 None
vzctl Debian Experimental 3.0.23-2 None
harden Ubuntu Jaunty 0.1.34 None
linux-patch-openvz Debian Sid 1:2.6.24-ovz004.1d3 None
ntop Ubuntu Jaunty 3:3.3-11build1 None
vserver-debiantools Ubuntu Jaunty 0.6.3 None
wwwconfig-common Ubuntu Jaunty 0.2.1 None
ledcontrol Ubuntu Jaunty 0.5.2-11 None
dpsyco Ubuntu Jaunty 1.0.36 None
debarchiver Ubuntu Jaunty 0.8.4 None
cron-apt Ubuntu Jaunty 0.6.7 None
dpsyco Debian Sid 1.0.36 None
xt Debian Lenny 0.9.1-8.1 None
x2vnc Debian Lenny 1.7.2-1 None
wwwconfig-common Debian Lenny 0.1.2 None
vzquota Debian Lenny 3.0.11-1 None
vzctl Debian Lenny 3.0.22-11 None
vserver-debiantools Debian Lenny 0.6.2 None
vnc4 Debian Lenny 4.1.1+X4.3.0-30 None
vnc-java Debian Lenny 3.3.3r2-7 None
tightvnc-java Debian Lenny 1.2.7-6 None
tightvnc Debian Lenny 1.3.9-4 None
steghide Debian Lenny 0.5.1-9 None
source-highlight Debian Lenny 2.4-5.2 None
primaxscan Debian Lenny 0.93beta3-10 None
pptp-linux Debian Lenny 1.7.2-1 None
pnscan Debian Lenny 1.11-4 None
php-elisp Debian Lenny 1.4.0-2 None
opalmod Debian Lenny 0.1.16 None
omt Debian Lenny 0.1.16 None
nwatch Debian Lenny 0.03-4 None
ntop Debian Lenny 3:3.3-11 None
nfsbooted Debian Lenny 0.0.15 None
nfsboot Debian Lenny 0.0.15 None
ndiff Debian Lenny 0.05beta4-3 None
mboxcheck Debian Lenny 0.1.2 None
lightspeed Debian Lenny 1.2a-7 None
libnet-pcap-perl Debian Lenny 0.04-3 None
libmcal Debian Lenny 0.6-17 None
ledcontrol Debian Lenny 0.5.2-11 None
jpeginfo Debian Lenny 1.6.0-4 None
icmpush Debian Lenny 2.2-6 None
hp-search-mac Debian Lenny 0.1.3 None
harden Debian Lenny 0.1.33 None
giarpfanoa Debian Lenny 0.1.3 None
emuga Debian Lenny 0.1.2 None
dpsyco Debian Lenny 1.0.35 None
dhttpd Debian Lenny 1.02a-16.1 None
debarchiver Debian Lenny 0.8.3 None
cron-apt Debian Lenny 0.6.7 None
countrycodes Debian Lenny 1.0.5-2 None
vzctl Ubuntu Intrepid 3.0.22-9 None
libmcal Ubuntu Intrepid 0.6-17 None
vserver-debiantools Ubuntu Intrepid 0.6.2 None
ntop Ubuntu Intrepid 3:3.3-11 None
wwwconfig-common Ubuntu Intrepid 0.1.2 None
tightvnc-java Ubuntu Intrepid 1.2.7-6 None
tightvnc Ubuntu Intrepid 1.3.9-4 None
pptp-linux Ubuntu Intrepid 1.7.2-1 None
libnet-pcap-perl Ubuntu Intrepid 0.04-3build1 None
ledcontrol Ubuntu Intrepid 0.5.2-10 None
x2vnc Ubuntu Intrepid 1.7.2-1 None
steghide Ubuntu Intrepid 0.5.1-9 None
source-highlight Ubuntu Intrepid 2.4-5.2 None
primaxscan Ubuntu Intrepid 0.93beta3-10 None
php-elisp Ubuntu Intrepid 1.4.0-2 None
opalmod Ubuntu Intrepid 0.1.16 None
nfsbooted Ubuntu Intrepid 0.0.15 None
nfsboot Ubuntu Intrepid 0.0.15 None
hp-search-mac Ubuntu Intrepid 0.1.3 None
76150 of 398 results