PPA packages

19 of 9 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
libapp-get-flash-videos-perl PPA for Radu C - Ubuntu Precise 1.25~git2013.11.13-2 None
git PPA for Radu C - Ubuntu Precise 1: None
unity-2d-xfwm4 PPA for Radu C - Ubuntu Precise 1.0 None
valide PPA for Radu C - Ubuntu Natty 0.7.1-0~natty1+radu1 None
gnome-panel PPA for Radu C - Ubuntu Natty 1:2.32.1-0ubuntu6.5radu1 None
glipper PPA for Radu C - Ubuntu Natty 2.1-1~radu9natty1 None
glipper PPA for Radu C - Ubuntu Maverick 2.1-1~radu9 None
dput PPA for Radu C - Ubuntu Maverick None
parcellite PPA for Radu C - Ubuntu Maverick 0.9.3-1~radu1 None
19 of 9 results