
PPA description

libde265 is an open source implementation of the h.265 video codec. It is written from scratch and has a plain C API to enable a simple integration into other software.

libde265 supports WPP and tile-based multithreading and includes SSE optimizations. The decoder supports all features of the Main and Main10 profile (HEVC-V1) and most profiles of HEVC-V2 (chroma 4:2:2, 4:4:4, monochrome, and bit depths up to 14 bits).

libde265 is released under the LGPL, further information are available at

This PPA contains Ubuntu packages of the libde265 library.

Plugins for the GStreamer framework, VLC and required dependencies are only provided for older versions of Ubuntu and are no longer maintained since the libde265 plugin is part of upstream GStreamer.

The (old) GStreamer plugin source is available at

The VLC plugin source is available at

You can get sample Matroska streams from

Adding this PPA to your system

You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:strukturag/libde265 to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:strukturag/libde265
sudo apt update
Technical details about this PPA

This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system's software sources.

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Signing key:
4096R/47E92B9C13C97BB081F5FFC1717DB416116004C9 (What is this?)

For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact struktur AG.

PPA statistics

0 updates added during the past month.
View package details

Overview of published packages

139 of 39 results
Package Version Uploaded by
gstreamer0.10-libde265 0.1.12-1ppa1~vivid1 Joachim Bauch ()
gstreamer0.10-libde265 0.1.12-1ppa1~utopic1 Joachim Bauch ()
gstreamer0.10-libde265 0.1.12-1ppa1~trusty1 Joachim Bauch ()
gstreamer0.10-libde265 0.1.12-1ppa1~precise1 Joachim Bauch ()
gstreamer0.10-libde265 0.1.10-2ppa1~saucy1 Joachim Bauch ()
gstreamer1.0-libde265 0.1.12-1ppa1~vivid1 Joachim Bauch ()
gstreamer1.0-libde265 0.1.12-1ppa1~utopic1 Joachim Bauch ()
gstreamer1.0-libde265 0.1.12-1ppa1~trusty1 Joachim Bauch ()
gstreamer1.0-libde265 0.1.12-1ppa1~precise1 Joachim Bauch ()
gstreamer1.0-libde265 0.1.10-2ppa1~saucy1 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265 1.0.15-1~ppa1~ubuntu22.04.1 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265 1.0.15-1~ppa1~ubuntu20.04.1 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265 1.0.15-1~ppa1~ubuntu18.04.1 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265 1.0.8-1~ppa1~ubuntu20.10.1 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265 1.0.8-1~ppa1~ubuntu16.04.1 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265 1.0.8-1~ppa1~ubuntu14.04.1 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265 1.0.4-1~ppa1~ubuntu19.10.1 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265 1.0.4-1~ppa1~ubuntu19.04.1 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265 1.0.3-1~ppa1~ubuntu17.10.1 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265 1.0.2-1ppa1~vivid1 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265 1.0.2-1ppa1~utopic1 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265 1.0.2-1ppa1~precise1 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265 0.7-1ppa1~saucy1 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265-teststreams 0.7 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265-teststreams 0.7 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265-teststreams 0.7 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265-teststreams 0.7 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265-teststreams 0.7 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265-teststreams 0.7 Joachim Bauch ()
libde265-teststreams 0.7 Joachim Bauch ()
videogfx 1.0.8-1ppa4~trusty1 Joachim Bauch ()
videogfx 1.0.8-1ppa3~saucy1 Joachim Bauch ()
videogfx 1.0.8-1ppa3~precise1 Joachim Bauch ()
vlc-libde265 0.1.7-1ppa1~xenial1 Joachim Bauch ()
vlc-libde265 0.1.7-1ppa1~vivid1 Joachim Bauch ()
vlc-libde265 0.1.7-1ppa1~utopic1 Joachim Bauch ()
vlc-libde265 0.1.7-1ppa1~trusty1 Joachim Bauch ()
vlc-libde265 0.1.7-1ppa1~precise1 Joachim Bauch ()
vlc-libde265 0.1.5-1ppa1~saucy1 Joachim Bauch ()
139 of 39 results

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  • libde265 59 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • libde265 59 weeks ago
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  • libde265 59 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • libde265-teststreams 105 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • libde265-teststreams 195 weeks ago
    Successfully built