Extra packages

PPA description

Some extra packages and dependencies for OpenContrail.

Add repository using `apt-add-repository ppa:tcpcloud/extra`

While this repository also contains backports, you can lower the priority so APT will only use it to install packages that are not available in other repositories.

Edit `/etc/apt/preferences.d/ppa-tcpcloud-extra`:
  Package: *
  Pin: release o=LP-PPA-tcpcloud-extra
  Pin-Priority: 400

We would greatly appreciate any contribution, there is still many things that needs to be enhanced. Here's quick howto on how to make changes and contribute:

Import our signing key
  wget -O - http://apt.tcpcloud.eu/public.gpg | gpg --import

Download source package and verify it
  dget https://launchpad.net/~tcpcloud/+archive/ubuntu/extra/+files/certifi_2015.04.28-0tcp1.dsc
  dscverify --keyring ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg *.dsc

Create git repository and import with gbp
  git init
  gbp import-dsc *.dsc
  git clean -xfd

Try to build it
  git-buildpackage -uc -us

Hack and commit your changes, finally send us a patch, eg. with git directly:
  git format-patch --to <email address hidden>

Adding this PPA to your system

You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:tcpcloud/extra to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tcpcloud/extra
sudo apt update
Technical details about this PPA

This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system's software sources.

Display sources.list entries for:
deb https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/tcpcloud/extra/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main 
deb-src https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/tcpcloud/extra/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main 
Signing key:
4096R/6535D03D3759A0BD98841125A6A0FD5DE79EE90C (What is this?)

For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact tcp cloud.

PPA statistics

0 updates added during the past month.
View package details

Overview of published packages

172 of 72 results
Package Version Uploaded by
backports-ssl-match-hostname tcpcloud autobuild ()
cassandra-cpp-driver 2.4.1-0tcp3 tcpcloud autobuild ()
cassandra-cpp-driver 2.4.1-0tcp2 tcpcloud autobuild ()
ceilometer-publisher-graphite 0.3+tcp3 tcpcloud autobuild ()
certifi 2015.04.28-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
cinder-driver-fujitsu 1.3.0+tcp2 tcpcloud autobuild ()
collectd-plugins-openstack 0.1+tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
consistent-hash 1.0-0tcp1+xenial1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
consistent-hash 1.0-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
contrail-api-cli 0.1b2-1+0~20160302151129.9~1.gbp2b2057 tcpcloud autobuild ()
dh-virtualenv 0.9-1tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
django-wysiwyg-redactor 0.4.9-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
docker-py 1.2.3-0tcp2 tcpcloud autobuild ()
duplicity 0.7.06-2ubuntu2+tcp2 tcpcloud autobuild ()
geventhttpclient 1.1.0-0tcp1+xenial1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
geventhttpclient 1.1.0-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
graphite-carbon 0.9.12-4tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
graphite-web 0.9.15+debian-2tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
hbsd 1.4.0+tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
heka-lua-scripts 0.8-0tcp1~xenial1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
heka-lua-scripts 0.8-0tcp1~trusty1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
hp3parclient 3.2.1-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
ifupdown (Newer version available) tcpcloud autobuild ()
jenkins-job-builder 1.2.0-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
jenkins-jobs-slack 0.3.0-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
kafka 2.9.2- tcpcloud autobuild ()
kafka-python 0.9.4-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
kazoo 1.3.1-1ubuntu1+tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
kombu 3.0.26-1ubuntu1tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
libapache-mod-auth-kerb 5.4-2.2+tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
libipfix 0.8.2-1tcp2+xenial tcpcloud autobuild ()
libipfix 0.8.2-1tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
librdkafka 0.9.1-1+tcp1+xenial tcpcloud autobuild ()
librdkafka 0.9.1-1tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
liburcu 0.9.1-3+tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
libuv1 1.8.0-1tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
libvirt 1.2.2-0ubuntu13.1.17+tcp1 (Newer version available) tcpcloud autobuild ()
monitoring-for-openstack 1.0.2-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
ncclient 0.4.3-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
opencontrail-kubelet 0.3.4-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
pisa 3.0.32-1build1+tcp4 tcpcloud autobuild ()
prompt-toolkit 0.53-1tcp2 tcpcloud autobuild ()
pyapi-gitlab 7.5.0-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
pycassa 1.11.1-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-amqp 1.4.6-2tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-aptly 0.7.6 tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-cassandra-driver 3.1.1-0tcp5 tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-datadiff 1.1.6-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-datrie 0.7.1-0tcp1+xenial1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-heat-salt 0.1-0tcp1+xenial tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-heat-salt 0.1-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-jenkins 0.4.13-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-kafka 1.2.1-0tcp1~xenial1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-kafka 1.2.1-0tcp1~trusty1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-librabbitmq 1.6.1-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-multi-key-dict 2.0.3-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-pathlib 1.0.1-1tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-plumbum 1.4.2-2tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-redis 2.10.1-1ubuntu1tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-sensu 0.0.3-1tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-sseclient 0.0.12-0tcp1~xenial1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-suds-jurko 0.5-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-tabulate 0.7.5-1+tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
python-yaql 0.2.3-2tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
reclass 1.4.1-1tcp4 tcpcloud autobuild ()
reclass 1.4.1-1tcp3 tcpcloud autobuild ()
rpyc 3.3.0-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
ruby-carrot-top 0.0.7-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
ruby-sensu-plugin 1.2.0-0tcp2+xenial1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
ruby-sensu-plugin 1.2.0-0tcp2 tcpcloud autobuild ()
wcwidth 0.1.4-2.1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
xmltodict 0.9.2-0tcp1 tcpcloud autobuild ()
172 of 72 results

Latest updates

  • heka-lua-scripts 388 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • heka-lua-scripts 388 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • consistent-hash 391 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • geventhttpclient 391 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • liburcu 396 weeks ago
    Successfully built