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PPA packages

Displaying first 10 packages out of 20 total
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
footnote Footnote Daily builds - Ubuntu Precise 0.1+r303+pkg10+r1~ubuntu12.04.1 None
project-manager PPA named teemperor-junk for Raphael Isemann - Ubuntu Trusty 0.1-0~7~ubuntu0.3.1 None
footnote Footnote Daily builds - Ubuntu Trusty 0.1+r292+pkg9~ubuntu14.04.1 None
pantheon-greeter PPA named pantheon-greeter-lightdm for Raphael Isemann - Ubuntu Precise 1.0.2-0~r234+pkg22+ubuntu~ubuntu12.04.1 None
pantheon-greeter Test-PPA for the pantheon-greeter - Ubuntu Trusty 1.0.2+r211-0+pkg22~ubuntu14.04.1 None
pantheon-greeter Test-PPA for the pantheon-greeter - Ubuntu Precise 1.0.2+r211-0+pkg22~ubuntu12.04.1 None