PPA packages

115 of 15 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
yawls yawls-daily - Ubuntu Wily 1.2.2-1~22~ubuntu15.10.1 None
yawls yawls-daily - Ubuntu Trusty 1.2.2-1~22~ubuntu14.04.1 None
yawls yawls-daily - Ubuntu Vivid 1.2.2-1~22~ubuntu15.04.1 None
yawls yawls-daily - Ubuntu Utopic 1.2.1-1~18~ubuntu14.10.1 None
yawls yawls-daily - Ubuntu Precise None
opencv OpenCV backport for precise - Ubuntu Precise 2.4.8+dfsg1-2ubuntu1 None
easyphoto easyphoto-daily - Ubuntu Utopic 1.16.0-0~28~ubuntu14.10.1 None
easyphoto easyphoto-daily - Ubuntu Trusty 1.16.0-0~28~ubuntu14.04.1 None
easyphoto easyphoto-daily - Ubuntu Precise 1.16.0-0~28~ubuntu12.04.1 None
easyphoto easyphoto - Ubuntu Precise 1.16.0~ubuntu12.04.1 None
easyphoto easyphoto - Ubuntu Trusty 1.16.0~ubuntu14.04.1 None
easyphoto easyphoto - Ubuntu Utopic 1.16.0~ubuntu14.10.1 None
easyphoto easyphoto - Ubuntu Vivid 1.16.0~ubuntu15.04.1 None
easyphoto easyphoto - Ubuntu Saucy 1.15.21~ubuntu13.10.1 None
easyphoto easyphoto-daily - Ubuntu Saucy 1.15.21-0~17~ubuntu13.10.1 None
115 of 15 results