PPA packages

76100 of 100 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
xserver-xorg-video-ati PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Intrepid 1:6.11.0-1ubuntu1intrepid1 None
gcc-4.3 PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Hardy 4.3.2-1ubuntu12hardy1 None
hotssh PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Intrepid 0.2.5-1ubuntu2 None
conkeror PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Intrepid 0.9~git080629-2ubuntu1 None
bluetooth-alsa PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Intrepid 0.5cvs20070908-1 None
libsbc PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Intrepid 0.0cvs20070728-1 None
telepathy-gabble PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Hardy 0.7.8-1hardy0 None
telepathy-mission-control PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Hardy 4.65-2hardy0 None
telepathy-glib PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Hardy 0.7.14-1hardy0 None
empathy PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Hardy 2.24.1-1ubuntu1 None
radeontool PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Intrepid 1.5-5build1~powerplay None
xfree86-driver-synaptics PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Intrepid 0.14.7~git20070706-2.1ubuntu1.1 None
libopensync-plugin-gnokii PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Hardy 0.22-1 None
makedumpfile PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Hardy 1.2.6-0ubuntu3~hardy0 None
swfdec0.6 PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Hardy 0.6.8-1hardy0 None
btanks PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Gutsy 0.7.5800-1~gutsy0 None
ocaml PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Gutsy 3.10.0-8gutsy0 None
lablgtk2 PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Gutsy 2.10.0-2 None
unison PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Gutsy 2.27.57-1~hardy1~gutsy0 None
libpam-encfs PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Hardy None
gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Hardy 0.10.3-6tux0 None
gnash PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Hardy 0.8.3-4hardy0 None
twinkle PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Gutsy 1:1.1-2build2~gutsy1 None
libzrtpcpp PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Gutsy 0.9.2-3build2~gutsy0 None
twinkle PPA for Philipp Edelmann - Ubuntu Hardy 1:1.1-2build2 None
76100 of 100 results