What do we name the Trash?

Files that are deleted in GNOME/KDE are moved to a special area, allowing them to be brought back if required. By default, this area is called the "Trash". This term has been deemed to be inappropriate for en_GB, and hence has been renamed to "Wastebasket".

An argument has been made that "Wastebasket" is an unusual word outside of certain geographies or contexts, and that another term may be more appropriate given the new international focus of the en_GB translation effort. Such a name must be acceptible to people from the UK, as well as universally understood (and perferably also used) by speakers of other en_GB-based languages.

How should this be named?

Simple Voting
Secret Votes (It's impossible to track a person's vote)

Voting options

Name Title Active
deleted-items-folder Deleted Items Folder Yes
garbage-bin Garbage Bin Yes
rubbish-bin Rubbish Bin Yes
Wastebasket Wastebasket (current) Yes

Voting has closed

Voting closed .


The winner(s) of this poll is(are) Deleted Items Folder

Here are the number of votes each option received.

Option Votes
Deleted Items Folder 14
Garbage Bin 0
Rubbish Bin 0
Wastebasket (current) 4