Related packages

Uploaded packages

2 packages
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
protobuf Ubuntu Oneiric 2.4.0a-2ubuntu2.1 None
pyinotify Ubuntu Lucid 0.8.9-1ubuntu1 None

PPA packages

Displaying first 10 packages out of 227 total
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
neovim-qt sandbox - Ubuntu Jammy 0.2.18-1build2~ppa1 None
ols-vms Online Services Testing repository - Ubuntu Xenial 1.2.5-0~308~ubuntu16.04.1 None
ols-vms Online Services Testing repository - Ubuntu Bionic 1.2.5-0~308~ubuntu18.04.1 None
ols-tests Online Services Testing repository - Ubuntu Xenial 1.0.2-0~226~ubuntu16.04.1 None
ols-tests Online Services Testing repository - Ubuntu Bionic 1.0.2-0~226~ubuntu18.04.1 None
postgresql-9.5 snap-store-deps - Ubuntu Jammy 9.5.25-4.pgdg22.04+ppa1 None
bzr-olsvms Online Services Testing repository - Ubuntu Bionic 0.1.1-0~14.1~ubuntu18.04.1 None
ols-config Online Services Testing repository - Ubuntu Bionic 1.0.2-0~94~ubuntu18.04.1 None
python-txstatsd sandbox - Ubuntu Bionic 1.0.0ubuntu1~bzr114 None
haproxy sandbox - Ubuntu Xenial 2.0.13-2ubuntu0.1~ubuntu16.04.1 None