Related packages

PPA packages

Displaying first 10 packages out of 18 total
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
swi-prolog Yves's PPA - Ubuntu Precise 6.3.4-1ubuntu1 None
redstore Yves's PPA - Ubuntu Lucid 0.5.4-1ubuntu5 None
jruby Yves's PPA - Ubuntu Precise 1.7.0-34c4091-ubuntu2 None
redstore Yves's PPA - Ubuntu Precise 0.5.4-1ubuntu2 None
4store Yves's PPA - Ubuntu Lucid 1.1.4-1ubuntu3 None
swi-prolog Yves's PPA - Ubuntu Oneiric 6.0.0-1ubuntu6 None
snowball Yves's PPA - Ubuntu Lucid 0+svn527-2 None
rasqal Yves's PPA - Ubuntu Lucid 0.9.28-1ubuntu4 None
raptor2 Yves's PPA - Ubuntu Lucid 2.0.6-1ubuntu2 None
redland Yves's PPA - Ubuntu Lucid 1.0.15-1ubuntu2 None