PPA packages

125 of 25 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
reicast reicast-emulator - Ubuntu Xenial 0.1-0~8~ubuntu16.04.1 None
reicast reicast-emulator - Ubuntu Precise 0.1-0~8~ubuntu12.04.1 None
swapsyncer swapsyncer - Ubuntu Yakkety 0.1-14~ubuntu16.10.1 None
swapsyncer swapsyncer - Ubuntu Xenial 0.1-14~ubuntu16.04.1 None
swapsyncer swapsyncer - Ubuntu Vivid 0.1-14~ubuntu15.04.1 None
swapsyncer swapsyncer - Ubuntu Trusty 0.1-14~ubuntu14.04.1 None
swapsyncer swapsyncer - Ubuntu Precise 0.1-14~ubuntu12.04.1 None
swapsyncer swapsyncer - Ubuntu Wily 0.1-13~ubuntu15.10.1 None
poweriso PowerISO for Linux - Ubuntu Trusty 201610100503~ubuntu14.04.1 None
poweriso PowerISO for Linux - Ubuntu Yakkety 201610100503~ubuntu16.10.1 None
poweriso PowerISO for Linux - Ubuntu Xenial 201610100503~ubuntu16.04.1 None
poweriso PowerISO for Linux - Ubuntu Precise 201610100502~ubuntu12.04.1 None
poweriso PowerISO for Linux - Ubuntu Wily 201610100503~ubuntu15.10.1 None
poweriso PowerISO for Linux - Ubuntu Vivid 201610100502~ubuntu15.04.1 None
reicast reicast-emulator - Ubuntu Trusty 0.1-0~8~ubuntu14.04.1 None
poweriso PowerISO for Linux - Ubuntu Utopic 201505191533~ubuntu14.10.1 None
plymouth-theme-ponyash plymouth themes - Ubuntu Utopic 0.2-0~2~ubuntu14.10.1 None
plymouth-theme-ponyash plymouth themes - Ubuntu Precise 0.2-0~2~ubuntu12.04.1 None
plymouth-theme-ponyash plymouth themes - Ubuntu Trusty 0.2-0~2~ubuntu14.04.1 None
plymouth-theme-ponyash plymouth themes - Ubuntu Vivid 0.2-0~2~ubuntu15.04.1 None
poweriso PowerISO for Linux - Ubuntu Lucid 201412232016~ubuntu10.04.1 None
125 of 25 results