Registered by Viko Adi Rahmawan

Front end of aria2c with ElementaryOS HIG

Arrive Download Manager is download manager for the casual user, even so it is packed with aria2c capabilities like multi segment download, magnet link download and torrent download.

Arrive Download Manager was build to fill the need of download manager, that is powerfull, fast, light, easy to use and support many download method. It's clearly the first on the segment.

The interface are kept to be simple and minimal. One of the thing you'll love is the file manager. Downloaded file are listed in the way that you can find and search easily. You also dont need to lose the track of file if you want to move the file to another folder. With Arrive file search, managing download file became seamless, no more endless catagory. Thanks for the powerfull file management.

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Viko Adi Rahmawan
Viko Adi Rahmawan

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arrive does not have any download files registered with Launchpad.