KatchTV 0.91

This is a usability release that provides a fix for a regression in the display order of feeds, better highlighting of new episodes, and some minor bugfixes/improvements.

Milestone information

Lee Braiden
Release registered:
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download icon katchtv-0.91.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) Python code, arch independent. Installation docs included 2,204
last downloaded 6 weeks ago
Total downloads: 2,204

Release notes 

This is the latest release of KatchTV. It's mostly a few small changes, but of course includes the recent changes that added major features like Bittorrent support, etc. This release is quite stable, so 1.0 will probably follow soon after.

* List episodes in reverse chronological (newest first) order (fixes a regression)
* Separately track seen/unseen vs. new/old episodes
* New color-coding and other support for for seen/unseen/downloading episodes, so it's much easier what's new.
* Various bugfixes
* (Internal) Small improvements to code documentation


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* List episodes in reverse chronological (newest first) order (fixes a regression)
* Separately track seen/unseen vs. new/old episodes
* New color-coding and other support for for seen/unseen/downloading episodes, so it's much easier what's new.
* Various bugfixes
* (Internal) Small improvements to code documentation

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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