Speeder dials, fancier fonts and forbidden cookie files

Written for Midori Web Browser by Michael Moroni on 2011-11-11

The time for Midori 0.4.2 has come! Another exciting release of the WebKit-based web browser.

The most crucial bit first: the bookmark dialog crashes are fixed. If nothing else that's
a good reason to upgrade to Midori 0.4.2.

So we have faster, base64-based CSS support for globally valid user stylesheets and adblock rules. And styles can apply to about: and file:// URIs. Parsing of -moz-document which is used to select domains or schemes to apply styles to was improved.

Speed dial received a makeover. It resizes automatically now, has neatly embossed tiles and shows close buttons on hover - which show on the left if your system/ theme expects that. If thumbnails are missing they will be refreshed without intervention.

Cookies are stored in an sqlite3 database. Import of existing data happens in the background. And you can decide whether you want third-party cookies or not, the default is in fact to not accept cookies coming from websites you don't actually visit.

There are loads more of subtle tweaks and improvements. A lot of code was actually refactored and removed to ensure that Midori stays the lightweight it aims to be. See the change log for those details.

Support for GTK+3 is still considered experimental and not recommended for daily use. Build with --enable-gtk3 --disable-addons to try it out.

So download midori v0.4.2 (902 kB) (MD5) (ChangeLog) already!

Stable Windows binaries below. You are welcome to join #midori on irc.freenode.net and help testing pre-releases for Windows. YOU can make the difference by helping out!

Midori Win32 Archive v0.4.2 (14.5 MB)

And these are experimental, unstable Windows binaries. Lots of known and unknown bugs are the price you pay for being on the bleeding edge. Detailed error reports are especially helpful here. GtkLauncher.exe and gdb.exe are included to make debugging easier. So go wild, as long as you keep in mind that this is not for the fain of heart.

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