Timekpkr-nExT for RPM distros (+ great news for Fedora users)

Written for Timekpr-nExT by Eduards Bezverhijs on 2022-09-13

News for Fedora

johanh provided a copr repo for Fedora.

Please check: https://mjasnik.gitlab.io/timekpr-next/#installation

Direct link to copr: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/johanh/timekpr-next/


Download & use (TL/DR)

Short and easy version - I created packages for FC32 / Leap 15.2, most likely these work with later releases without problems.

Please feel free to use the packages: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iN1wcPctGhd_OISqzWZ5DigFMVvgSGq9?usp=sharing


If you are brave enough to try to compile this yourself or want more info, please check this announcement: https://launchpad.net/timekpr-next/+announcement/27532


If You think I earned something in return for making Timekpr-nExT or just want to contribute, please do so via PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/yc9x85v2 .



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