Twisted 10.0.0

Milestone information

Jonathan Lange
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Release notes 

 * Improved documentation, including "Twisted Web in 60 seconds"
 * Faster Perspective Broker applications
 * A new Windows installer that ships without zope.interface
 * Twisted no longer supports Python 2.3
 * Over one hundred closed tickets


View the full changelog

Twisted Core 10.0.0 (2010-03-01)

 - The twistd man page now has a SIGNALS section. (#689)

 - reactor.spawnProcess now will not emit a PotentialZombieWarning
   when called before, and there will be no potential for
   zombie processes in this case. (#2078)

 - High-throughput applications based on Perspective Broker should now
   run noticably faster thanks to the use of a more efficient decoding
   function in Twisted Spread. (#2310)

 - Documentation for trac-post-commit-hook functionality in svn-dev
   policy. (#3867)

 - twisted.protocols.socks.SOCKSv4 now supports the SOCKSv4a protocol.

 - Trial can now output test results according to the subunit
   protocol, as long as Subunit is installed (see (#4004)

 - twisted.protocols.amp now provides a ListOf argument type which can
   be composed with some other argument types to create a zero or more
   element sequence of that type. (#4116)

 - If returnValue is invoked outside of a function decorated with
   @inlineCallbacks, but causes a function thusly decorated to exit, a
   DeprecationWarning will be emitted explaining this potentially
   confusing behavior. In a future release, this will cause an
   exception. (#4157)

 - twisted.python.logfile.BaseLogFile now has a reopen method allowing
   you to use an external logrotate mechanism. (#4255)

 - FTP.ftp_NLST now handles requests on invalid paths in a way
   consistent with RFC 959. (#1342)

 - twisted.python.util.initgroups now calls the low-level C initgroups
   by default if available: the python version can create lots of I/O
   with certain authentication setup to retrieve all the necessary
   information. (#3226)

 - startLogging now does nothing on subsequent invocations, thus
   fixing a terrible infinite recursion bug that's only on edge case.

 - Stringify non-string data to NetstringReceiver.sendString before
   calculating the length so that the calculated length is equal to
   the actual length of the transported data. (#3299)

 - twisted.python.win32.cmdLineQuote now correctly quotes empty
   strings arguments (#3876)

 - Change the behavior of the Gtk2Reactor to register only one source
   watch for each file descriptor, instead of one for reading and one
   for writing. In particular, it fixes a bug with Glib under Windows
   where we failed to notify when a client is connected. (#3925)

 - Twisted Trial no longer crashes if it can't remove an old
   _trial_temp directory. (#4020)

 - The optional _c_urlarg extension now handles unquote("") correctly
   on platforms where malloc(0) returns NULL, such as AIX. It also
   compiles with less warnings. (#4142)

 - On POSIX, child processes created with reactor.spawnProcess will no
   longer automatically ignore the signals which the parent process
   has set to be ignored. (#4199)

 - All SOCKSv4a tests now use a dummy reactor with a deterministic
   resolve method. (#4275)

 - Prevent extraneous server, date and content-type headers in proxy
   responses. (#4277)

Deprecations and Removals
 - twisted.internet.error.PotentialZombieWarning is now deprecated.

 - twisted.test.time_helpers is now deprecated. (#3719)

 - The deprecated connectUDP method of IReactorUDP has now been
   removed. (#4075)

 - twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase now ignores the previously
   deprecated setUpClass and tearDownClass methods. (#4175)

 - #917, #2406, #2481, #2608, #2689, #2884, #3056, #3082, #3199,
   #3480, #3592, #3718, #3935, #4066, #4083, #4154, #4166, #4169,
   #4176, #4183, #4186, #4188, #4189, #4194, #4201, #4204, #4209,
   #4222, #4234, #4235, #4238, #4240, #4245, #4251, #4264, #4268,
   #4269, #4282

Twisted Conch 10.0.0 (2010-03-01)

 - twisted.conch.checkers.SSHPublicKeyDatabase now looks in the
   correct user directory for authorized_keys files. (#3984)
 - twisted.conch.ssh.SSHUserAuthClient now honors preferredOrder when
   authenticating. (#4266)

 - #2391, #4203, #4265

Twisted Lore 10.0.0 (2010-03-01)

 - #4241

Twisted Mail 10.0.0 (2010-03-01)

 - twisted.mail.smtp.ESMTPClient and
   twisted.mail.smtp.LOGINAuthenticator now implement the (obsolete)
   LOGIN SASL mechanism according to the draft specification. (#4031)

 - twisted.mail.imap4.IMAP4Client will no longer misparse all html-
   formatted message bodies received in response to a fetch command.

 - The regression in IMAP4 search handling of "OR" and "NOT" terms has
   been fixed. (#4178)

 - #4028, #4170, #4200

Twisted Names 10.0.0 (2010-03-01)

 - twisted.names.root.Resolver no longer leaks UDP sockets while
   resolving names. (#970)

Deprecations and Removals
 - Several top-level functions in twisted.names.root are now
   deprecated. (#970)

 - #4066

Twisted Pair 10.0.0 (2010-03-01)

 - #4170

Twisted Runner 10.0.0 (2010-03-01)

 - #3961

Twisted Web 10.0.0 (2010-03-01)

 - Twisted Web in 60 Seconds, a series of short tutorials with self-
   contained examples on a range of common web topics, is now a part
   of the Twisted Web howto documentation. (#4192)

 - Data and File from twisted.web.static and
   twisted.web.distrib.UserDirectory will now only generate a 200
   response for GET or HEAD requests.
   twisted.web.client.HTTPPageGetter will no longer ignore the case of
   a request method when considering whether to apply special HEAD
   processing to a response. (#446)

 - twisted.web.http.HTTPClient now supports multi-line headers.

 - Resources served via twisted.web.distrib will no longer encounter a
   Banana error when writing more than 640kB at once to the request
   object. (#3212)

 - The Error, PageRedirect, and InfiniteRedirection exception in
   twisted.web now initialize an empty message parameter by mapping
   the HTTP status code parameter to a descriptive string. Previously
   the lookup would always fail, leaving message empty. (#3806)

 - The 'wsgi.input' WSGI environment object now supports -1 and None
   as arguments to the read and readlines methods. (#4114)

 - twisted.web.wsgi doesn't unquote QUERY_STRING anymore, thus
   complying with the WSGI reference implementation. (#4143)

 - The HTTP proxy will no longer pass on keep-alive request headers
   from the client, preventing pages from loading then "hanging"
   (leaving the connection open with no hope of termination). (#4179)

Deprecations and Removals
 - Remove '--static' option from twistd web, that served as an alias
   for the '--path' option. (#3907)

 - #3784, #4216, #4242

Twisted Words 10.0.0 (2010-03-01)

 - twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient.irc_MODE now takes ISUPPORT
   parameters into account when parsing mode messages with arguments
   that take parameters (#3296)

 - When twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient's versionNum and
   versionEnv attributes are set to None, they will no longer be
   included in the client's response to CTCP VERSION queries. (#3660)

 - twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream.hashPassword now only
   accepts unicode as input (#3741, #3742, #3847)

 - #2503, #4066, #4261

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